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Thermal anomaly problem
Hi, I have a thermal anomaly problem due to printing at too low temperature accidentally (I am presuming this is the cause of the issue). If anyone has some tips on how to go about fixing this I would be forever grateful 🙏
Ce sujet a été modifié il y a 1 year par Anja Leko
Publié : 02/02/2024 3:08 pm
At what temperature is your workshop? Is room heating an option?
Publié : 02/02/2024 7:53 pm
Topic starter
RE: Thermal anomaly problem
It's at around 20°C. I tried doing a PID tuning and it reported thermal runaway.
Publié : 02/02/2024 8:27 pm
What temperature does the cold printer report for bed & nozzle before printing? How does the reported figure compare to an accurate thermometer?
Try blowing it with a hairdryer or similar for a couple of minutes before trying again.
Publié : 07/02/2024 10:22 pm