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Temp settings altering during print  

Bad Raven
Eminent Member
Temp settings altering during print

OK, here's what I need to do.

Print several copies of a file with differing PLA requirements.

Some of my PLA prints fine on the default filament temp, while others need up to 30 degrees C more. I don''t want the hassle of numerous .gcode files or numerous custom filament settings.

Issue is, that while I can start a print and adjust settings via "Tune", these do not always stay set during the full print time, at some undetermined point and unknown reason reverting to default file setting.

Its really frustrating that if I set a temperature manually, it does not fully and permanently override the file settings.

I "lost" a three hour print yesterday after an hour running fine when I didn't see it alter back from 240C to 215C until the lower temp had caused filament feed stutter and loss of adhesion.

Why does the manual setting not properly and permanently override the file settings?  What can I do to make it stay as I set it please!



Napsal : 07/03/2023 6:41 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Temp settings altering during print

Gcode is very simple.  It is literally a straight list of instructions.  When you tweak a setting via the LCD to change anything, in this case temperature but it applies to other things like fan speeds etc too it will only stay on that changed value until it gets to a line of gcode that sets it to something else.

As many filament profiles use different first layer and print layer temperatures if you adjust it during the first layer as soon as it gets to the second it will change to what was set for the second layer and you will have to change it again.  This is the most likely cause.   So do a quick search of a couple of your gcode files and look for the extruder temp commands and work out what is causing them to be inserted.  You can then adjust your profiles to remove that factor.  If it is the filament profile then you just need to configure the first layer and other layers to the same temperature.
Your printer wont de going back to some 'default' setting for no reason, these things are dumb.  They just do what the gcode tells them to.

Napsal : 07/03/2023 7:22 am
Tim Weston
Estimable Member
RE: Temp settings altering during print

Agreed...and as I see it, that's all the more reason to have the desired printing temperatures defined in the G-Code file that is sent to the printer - you then know exactly what will happen temperature-wise, and no manual intervention is required.

Selecting the right filament profile at 'slice time' surely has to be easier than playing around on the printer's control panel or ?





Napsal : 07/03/2023 2:36 pm
Bad Raven
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Temp settings altering during print

Thanks for replies.

IMO its FAR easier to tweak filament temp on the printer for (say) four prints in differing make PLA with slightly differing requirements than it is to generate a .gcode file four times by adjusting at the slicing stage or have numerous profiles. One of my non-Prusa printers runs "live" from Repetier Host, so on the fly alteration to account for variable factors like ambient conditions is easy. I'm aware this is in some places "discouraged" but in now many years operation I have not had a single issue through this process and its great for finding that ideal setting and THEN maybe making a profile if future conditions are going to be copied.

I'm well aware of the first/subsequent layer setting changes, my post said "after an hour", as before that it had held what I needed.

Yes, I'll have to plough through the gcode to try to see why.

Does not alter what I feel is a required feature, an optional override to allow "Tune" to actually do its job.  If not, why have "Tune" at all??



Napsal : 08/03/2023 6:14 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Temp settings altering during print

My apologies, I didn't realise you were doing quick prints.  For some of us the first layer can take over an hour.

Go make a feature request to the firmware team repository if you want the operation of the printer firmware to be different.  However given that's how it works in upstream Marlin I don't think the chances of it happening are too high.
Alternatively reflash your printer to use Klipper as that gives you more control.

As for wading through gcode, well its just text, there are many great text editors that should make looking for the single gcode command for extrude temp a matter of a few seconds.  All the extrusion types are annotated now too so figuring out why the slicer has inserted a new temperature command shouldn't be too difficult either.

You could also use the slice preview and select temperature from the drop down.  That would show you visually where Slicer was changing the temperatures and for what features.  

Its also possible PS is adding temperature commands where they aren't needed (repeats) but without an attached zipped up 3mf project file we can examine as well as details of what version you are using to slice the files that is of course impossible to say.

If you want the on the fly control then use Octoprint, that spools out gcode little by little and should be able to do what you want as it can modify whats sent as it goes along.

There are MANY options if you just sat down and considered them.

Napsal : 08/03/2023 7:07 am