Suggestions for improving support quality for rounded objects?
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Suggestions for improving support quality for rounded objects?  

New Member
Suggestions for improving support quality for rounded objects?

I'm having some difficulty printing models where a rounded part of the object (spherical, cylindrical, a model's arm, etc.) requires support. These sections will print normally for a few layers but then occasionally break free from the support. I've tried reducing the z separation to less than the height of one layer, but it still persists. I've also tried changing print speeds from the slic3r defaults. Are there any other slic3r settings that I should tweak to improve my prints?

Postato : 19/12/2018 1:03 am
Honorable Member
Re: Suggestions for improving support quality for rounded objects?

can you show an example? not sure i quite understand what's happening

Postato : 20/12/2018 3:16 am