Sparks while changing nozzle - Printer is not heating up anymore
today i wanted to change the nozzle on my new 3d printer for the first time and while doing it i accidentaly slipped while holding the heater block and it got sparks near it.
Now the printer is not heating up anymore no matter what i try. There is a red light which is lighting up when i press something (idk if thats normal or not) and then the fan is starting for like a second. After that nothing happens anymore. Can someone help me, please?
RE: Sparks while changing nozzle - Printer is not heating up anymore
Have you checked the fuses in the controller?
Regards Joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
RE: Sparks while changing nozzle - Printer is not heating up anymore
thanks for ur help. I contacted the support yesterday bc i paniced a bit. Seems like I broke the heater cartridge by accidentaly touching both cables at once :c the fuses were intact, though.
I hope that solves it.
RE: Sparks while changing nozzle - Printer is not heating up anymore
You can check the heater cartridge with a multimeter. The internal resistance should be about 14.4 ohms. I would also check the wires for possible defects. You can get a new heater cartridge from Prusa but also from some other suppliers (24V, 40W).
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