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Security timer  

Eminent Member
Security timer

Hi, this hopefully will be a quick one: We have MK3 at work and when you preheat it but do not start the job on time, it times out and the screen says something like ‘security timer interrupted the heating’ or something like that (the work printer is not set to English ☹️). Anyway, this message requires you to manually press the knob to confirm the message and printer is frozen till you do that, so you need to be physically present. Is it possible to override this behavior, so the simple timout does not take away the control of the printer from you?

Publié : 03/10/2022 11:02 am
Famed Member

That is there to prevent the printer from remaining hot without a human, as in you, being present.

If you need a work-around, just remember to every so often re-do the preheat setting.  This will restart the timer.

If you really want to, you can most likely re-compile the firmware and extend the timeout period or disable it, but doing so has risks, such as a meltdown or worse.

'You break it, you own the pieces.'   😉

Publié : 03/10/2022 1:06 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:

Oh, my wrong, this is not what I meant. The timer itself is not an issue, it’s a good safety measure. My problem is not the heating is being switched off but that the printer is stuck and wait for manual intervention after the event occurs. I don’t know how to confirm the onscreen note remotely. 

Publié : 03/10/2022 1:22 pm
Famed Member
RE: Security timer

Sorry I misunderstood.

I don't use any remote software on the Prusa.  If I'm delayed in launching a print after I preheat, I just remember to turn around and re-punch in the preheat setting.

I'm assuming then that once it goes into the warning prompt, your remote software is numb and it requires an explicit physical button press.  I do not know how to work around that, except to remember to physically go to the printer every so often and restart the preheat to restart the timer.  Sorry.

Publié : 03/10/2022 1:28 pm
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