Prusa Slicer with MMU2s and different nozzle sizes
Been using this for a while and it has become somewhat of a mess. Been trying to clean it all out and start again but can't find a reset to default for all the profile settings etc 🙁
Anyway my plan was to setup the printer and import the standard profiles and then just use them wherever possible to try to not get in a mess again. My challenge is that when you import the profiles you get MMU and Single options for 0.25, .4 and .6 but not for .8 this only has a single. Now I mostly only print with one filament at a time anyway and use the MMU to pick a colour or material i.e. am being lazy.
What I am not sure about is what Single does. I assumed this was for if I needed to bypass the MMU for something like TPU. If I use the single profile will I always have to bypass the MMU when loading as that would be an utter pain with my setup. Up to now I had my own profile that would just work and it was fine. I really don't see why Prusa do not just provide an MMU 0.8 preset, it can't be that hard! I know I can create my own, but I was specifically after staying with ones that auto update etc. and will be compatible with future versions of PS.
RE: Prusa Slicer with MMU2s and different nozzle sizes
The 'Single' profile is what I use when using the machine with the MMU2S installed (and turned off), but treating it as just another plain vanilla MK3S single-filament printer.
RE: Prusa Slicer with MMU2s and different nozzle sizes
@jsw Do you need to bypass the MMU or do you just push the filament all the way through and then just leave it loaded?
RE: Prusa Slicer with MMU2s and different nozzle sizes
@jsw Do you need to bypass the MMU or do you just push the filament all the way through and then just leave it loaded?
I remove the Bowden tube between the MMU and extruder, turn off the MMU with the switch (below) and use it as more or less a plain vanilla MK3S. Just feed the filament directly into the extruder.