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Problem with PLA adhering to new textured build plate  

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RE: Problem with PLA adhering to new textured build plate

this print is on a Mk3 with MMU2

you can see the little helper discs that stop the pointed ends lifting

this print is on one of My mk3's   cant remember if it was a Mk3S or the previous Mk3...   

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Napsal : 29/09/2019 11:07 pm
New Member
RE: Problem with PLA adhering to new textured build plate

This was last evenings test print. Working nicely.

Napsal : 30/09/2019 3:58 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Problem with PLA adhering to new textured build plate
Posted by: @david-a66

will everyone with PC sheets PLEASE try washing them with plain dish soap and lots of water , using fresh paper towels  and then drying with more fresh paper towels followed by a heated dry on the heated bed.

Have done so repeatedly. There seems to be a lot of variability in the newer textured sheets. Mine is OK with PETG but not good for more than one or two prints with PLA before adhesion goes to crap.

99%IPA ( puddled on the sheet ) is fine for touch ups but not for heavy cleaning 

I tried 91% isopropyl alcohol repeatedly. Gave it a wash with Dawn. A splash with acetone. Another wash with Dawn. Even buffed it with the 3M 7445 ScotchBrite pad. No change in behavior between each step. It is useless for small parts with PLA, and iffy for larger parts.

If I needed the texture I might try ordering another, but after waiting for the stupid thing more than 18 months, I'm beyond disappointed. 

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Napsal : 30/09/2019 4:29 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Problem with PLA adhering to new textured build plate

Bob - have you done any more with that textured car film?   I looked for some cheap sizes of it, and came away with the stuff being expensive and very hard to find.  Maybe looking in the wrong places (found 100' rolls, but no smaller sq ft pieces).

Napsal : 30/09/2019 7:36 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Problem with PLA adhering to new textured build plate
Posted by: @tim-m30

Bob - have you done any more with that textured car film?   I looked for some cheap sizes of it, and came away with the stuff being expensive and very hard to find.  Maybe looking in the wrong places (found 100' rolls, but no smaller sq ft pieces).

I was able to find 12x12 inch samples of 3M 1080 from MetroRestyling. The samples are only $3.00, but shipping will knock you back another $7.00 or so. Plan on $10 for the 1st. I tried a few patterns and it actually works very well.Adhesion with PLA is perfect. Just make sure to stick to PLA! Anything else just made a mess.

Vinyl is supposed to be nasty stuff at higher temps, but I figure if I keep the bed at PLA temps (<55C) that a car experiences it shouldn't be too bad. I never found the stuff particularly stinky. Ventilation still recommended, etc.

That is Plan B for getting texture on PLA. I did buy one of the FYSETC sheets off Amazon on a lark. Wow, talk about poor quality. It was like printing on friction tape. I know this because I tried printing on friction tape. The stuff crumbles into the print!

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Napsal : 30/09/2019 7:50 pm
91d3on Mining
Eminent Member
RE: Problem with PLA adhering to new textured build plate

I thought this was widely known, but recently I haven't heard it at all. If you're having bed adhesion problems, with the build plate cooled down simply clean off the build plate and then spray a coat of hairspray on it.

Napsal : 30/10/2019 7:14 pm
Active Member
RE: Problem with PLA adhering to new textured build plate
Posted by: @jadedreddragon

[...]spray a coat of hairspray on it.

I think this thread is about the textured sheet where the manufacturer explicitly states not to apply any adhesives to it. =>

Do you mean you have tried the textured steel sheet with hairspray? (I first used 3dlac on my old wanhao and then had really good success with aprintapros PrintaFix - better success then with the powder coated sheet without adhesive in a MK3S so far actually)

I really LOVE the textured surface but I'm having problems myself getting stuff to stick (problematic rectangular footprints to begin with). One thing I do is to have the filament loose on the first layer, meaning the extruder does not need to pull the whole spool as I figured the pulling force might slightly bent up the x-axis in my setup (3kg spool under the printer with the filament running through a PTFE tube to the top of the printer).

Napsal : 07/11/2019 7:02 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Problem with PLA adhering to new textured build plate
Posted by: @johannes-w
Do you mean you have tried the textured steel sheet with hairspray? (I first used 3dlac on my old wanhao and then had really good success with aprintapros PrintaFix - better success then with the powder coated sheet without adhesive in a MK3S so far actually)
FWIW - I did try using MagiGoo on my Prusa textured sheet with no discernable improvement. I've given up on it and am giving it away. 

I really LOVE the textured surface but I'm having problems myself getting stuff to stick (problematic rectangular footprints to begin with). One thing I do is to have the filament loose on the first layer, meaning the extruder does not need to pull the whole spool as I figured the pulling force might slightly bent up the x-axis in my setup (3kg spool under the printer with the filament running through a PTFE tube to the top of the printer).

Meanwhile, I ordered a TheKKIINNGG sheet off Amazon and am getting excellent results with PLA and PETG. It is completely maintenance-free.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Napsal : 07/11/2019 7:30 pm
Jaunx se líbí
Active Member
RE: Problem with PLA adhering to new textured build plate

Same problem here,

PLA not sticking at all, PETG only now and then.

Cleaned it a hundred times with IPA.

Level ist set correctly.

Have a PEI sheet too, no problem with this sheet.

(I now, that Z-level has to be different).

Will try dishwashing soap.

Napsal : 10/11/2019 8:01 pm
Active Member
RE: Problem with PLA adhering to new textured build plate

@nikolaus-b: what's your ambient temperature?

Mine fluctuates between 15-35 C. I figured if I raise the bed temperature to 65C AND add a brim of at least 5mm I do have perfect bed adhesion now. both with round objects 16mm diameter or rectangles 5x55mm.

The brim should break off without bigger pain if you bent it TOWARDS the object (the other way it is really difficult). then in the end just quickly go over with a lighter around the edges to remove brighter colour resulting from the mechanical stress breaking off the brim. another way to get the brim off easily is if you put the object in a freezer or use cooling spray (ether or butane gas also works)

Without brim it simply won't work for me. If the brim prints smooth (!) i never had any warping problems regardless if environment temperature was 15 or 30 C

Napsal : 13/11/2019 5:24 pm
91d3on Mining
Eminent Member
RE: Problem with PLA adhering to new textured build plate
Posted by: @johannes-w
Posted by: @jadedreddragon

[...]spray a coat of hairspray on it.

I think this thread is about the textured sheet where the manufacturer explicitly states not to apply any adhesives to it. =>

Do you mean you have tried the textured steel sheet with hairspray? (I first used 3dlac on my old wanhao and then had really good success with aprintapros PrintaFix - better success then with the powder coated sheet without adhesive in a MK3S so far actually)

I really LOVE the textured surface but I'm having problems myself getting stuff to stick (problematic rectangular footprints to begin with). One thing I do is to have the filament loose on the first layer, meaning the extruder does not need to pull the whole spool as I figured the pulling force might slightly bent up the x-axis in my setup (3kg spool under the printer with the filament running through a PTFE tube to the top of the printer).

In that writeup I don't see where the manufacture says not to use adhesives on the textured sheet. It just says not to use acetone or ABS juice on it.

I only have the textured steel sheet, unfortunately both sheets weren't in stock when I ordered my kit so I was unable to get both.

Yes, on the textured steel sheet I clean it with Dawn and hot water, dry it off, then spray a couple layers of hairspray on it. Recently, I've been trying out a new technique that I learned from Maker's Muse on YouTube. I clean the sheet with Dawn and hot water, dry it off, then put a later of glue stick on it. When it dries, take IPA and wipe over the sheet. This smooths out the glue stick that was applied. Now between prints just wipe the surface with IPA again. It will re-smooth out the glue stick already applied. 

Napsal : 02/01/2020 4:49 am
Active Member
RE: Problem with PLA adhering to new textured build plate

Having trouble getting it to stick to do anything calibration wise, even after washing and then cleaning with acetone. 

I think the textured bed was prohibited to be cleaned with acetone because it gets damaged.

-.815, was -.790 before and had it at -.800 before that.

Josef Prusa video: "Z distance is usually 1mm for mk3s"

I too had problems in the beginning, but 65C bed + IPA cleaning did the job

Napsal : 03/01/2020 12:43 pm
New Member
RE: Problem with PLA adhering to new textured build plate

What did the trick for me was setting the first layer bed temp to 65, and then setting the first layer height so that the first layer was really flat which squishes the plastic into the texture on the bed plate. 

I think getting the plastic down into the texture is an important part of the solution.

Napsal : 17/05/2021 3:09 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Problem with PLA adhering to new textured build plate

I had trouble with my textured sheet, did not clean it with dish soap as prusa said it could damaged it.
After a bunch of failed prints I had two, for me, reasonable  alternatives, stop using it or wash it.
So I washed it, thoroughly with hot, 80°C, water and dish soap about 5 times.
Never failed me since, works perfect for PETG. Very nice surface on the printed parts. 😀 

Haven´t done much test with PLA though

Prusa i3 MK3S+ FW 3.11.0 (kit dec -20), PrusaSlicer 2.6.1+win64, Fusion 360, Windows 10

Napsal : 17/05/2021 7:36 pm
RE: Problem with PLA adhering to new textured build plate
Posted by: @dik-harrison

Is there a recommendation for getting better adhesion of PLA to the new textured bed?

Have you solved your issue?

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Napsal : 17/05/2021 7:49 pm
RE: Problem with PLA adhering to new textured build plate


Amazing!  Isn't it.  A good soap and hot water scrub will fix all.  Well, not all, but you get the point.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Napsal : 17/05/2021 7:50 pm
New Member
RE: Problem with PLA adhering to new textured build plate


I have washed mine in hot, soapy water also, but that alone didn't make it work really well.  The final thing that solved my non-sticking problem was the lower first-layer height. 

I'm sure, like so many things, it's not just one thing causing the problem, nor is one thing going to solve it.  But do all these things, and boom!  Bob's your uncle.


This post was modified před 4 years by notdoingit
Napsal : 17/05/2021 8:06 pm
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