Printer Restart Incorrectly after Print Pause or Loses Calibration
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Printer Restart Incorrectly after Print Pause or Loses Calibration  

Active Member
Printer Restart Incorrectly after Print Pause or Loses Calibration


I have a MK3S+ since some months. I noticed at least two times the following weird situation:

1 - I pause the printer while it is printing

2 - After few minutes, I restart the printer/printing

3 - the printer keeps printing with an offset in X and/or Y axis, when compared with the print before the pause. This obviously makes the print a trash.

Similarly: I also noticed once that my Z first layer calibration was lost once. I dont know how/when that happened, but I noticed it after several failed prints and turning on/off the printer several times.

Does anyone have experienced any of those? Is someone of Prusa here?


Respondido : 07/12/2021 12:14 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Printer Restart Incorrectly after Print Pause or Loses Calibration

If you want to communicate directly with Prusa, use customer service. Go to the eshop and wait for the chat box to appear in the lower right corner.


Respondido : 07/12/2021 2:35 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Printer Restart Incorrectly after Print Pause or Loses Calibration

This happened again in front of my eyes today (it has happened a couple of other times as well, since I wrote this here). However, the interesting bit of today is that the offset was in Z!!!

I need to talk with Prusa to see why that happens...

Respondido : 06/01/2022 5:04 pm