Nozzle Scraping on Print Sheet and Filament Not Extruding During Print after a Long History of Successful Prints
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Nozzle Scraping on Print Sheet and Filament Not Extruding During Print after a Long History of Successful Prints  

New Member
Nozzle Scraping on Print Sheet and Filament Not Extruding During Print after a Long History of Successful Prints

Everything has been printing really well for some time. I recently had a few adhesion problems and smallish filament blobs that cleaned up easily.

Then, two problems:

  1. Filament stopped extruding during prints. The filament loads and comes out of the nozzle fine with no apparent issues
  2. During printing, no filament extrudes and the nozzle is scraping the print sheet (no matter how I set the z offset). 

I performed a successful cold pull and the pull looked good. Filament loads fine and extrudes during loading.

Still the no filament extruding during print and still scraping the print sheet.



Ce sujet a été modifié il y a 3 years par Weststar42
Publié : 01/12/2021 12:19 pm
Famed Member
RE: Nozzle Scraping on Print Sheet and Filament Not Extruding During Print after a Long History of Successful Prints

If the nozzle truly scrapes the sheet, no wonder you don't get extrusion. Maybe you have a loose PINDA sensor if you can't get live Z dialed in. I would adjust the PINDA sensor so the difference between PINDA and nozzle is about 1.5 mm (roughly the size of two credit cards). Then redo the XYZ calibration and then redo first layer calibration. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Publié : 01/12/2021 9:53 pm
Weststar42 a aimé
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Nozzle Scraping on Print Sheet and Filament Not Extruding During Print after a Long History of Successful Prints

Readjusting the PINDA height and redoing the XYZ Calibration has restored the printer. I'm going with the small blob knocked the sensor out of alignment. First time I experienced this in three years. Thanks for the help. 

Publié : 08/12/2021 10:11 am
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