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Nozzle, and hotend not heating up  

Nozzle, and hotend not heating up

My printer heats up, but never reaches working temperature. Even though the printer's display shows the temperature as correct. Here I've placed a thermistor on the heat block and reading 117.C. When I point an infrared thermometer at the nozzle, I get no more than 35.C. This has happened to me before (6 months ago) and I replaced the hotend. I was just checking if there are any more options I can follow before buying yet another hotend 

0"] printer display shows 230.C, but actual temperature is 117.C[/caption]

Napsal : 12/06/2023 6:15 pm
Noble Member
RE: Nozzle, and hotend not heating up

Your thermistor need replacing don't even attempt to heat up the printer before you replace it as the printer can heat up to crazy temp 

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Napsal : 14/06/2023 4:04 am