No temperature on Heatbed - I3 MK3S - Need urgently help!
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No temperature on Heatbed - I3 MK3S - Need urgently help!  

Eminent Member
No temperature on Heatbed - I3 MK3S - Need urgently help!

I tried to solve my problem, but now I struggle, because I found not failure.

Prusa I3 MK3S from June 2019

Bought total pre-assembled 3D printer directly from Prusa directly.

Over the time I had a lot of fun with the printer.

Now my heatbed isn´t heating up any more. If I heat up the temperature, the heatbed is still at 21 Celsius, while the nozzle temperature clip up to 230 Celsius. After a while the process stopped by the time, when nothing happened. The 3D printing doesn't start because the system is waiting for the heat bed temperature.

I checked the Prusa Knowledge base - Preheat error.

actual status:

Connector 1 and 2: showed 25 Volt  also

Connector 3 and 4: showed 25 Volt

At connector 5 and 6 (Heatbed): 0 (zero) Volt - PROBLEM!

Resident between connector 5 and 6: 3,2 Ohm

All cables were checked: Not defects and no connected problems.

Thermo-Sensor Heatbed is working - checked with hairdryer

RE-Flashing with actual Firmware 3.8.1. successful - No difference.

Any ideas to identify the problem? How I can find out if the Prusa EINSY Board has a problem?

Contacting Prusa Support with their Cast doesn't help. They asked me questions I describe upfront. I think the Prusa guy maybe know the problem with the EINSY-board but try to block me with many questions.

My chat with the technical support was really bad. Sorry to say.


Please help, I'm not willing to buy something and change everything only to find the failure by changing parts. 



Opublikowany : 18/11/2019 5:46 pm
Noble Member
RE: No temperature on Heatbed - I3 MK3S - Need urgently help!

Open the heatbed connector and check the contacts. Prusa had some bad crimps that could cause no heating.

No voltage between 5 an 6 is concerning...

Fuse F3 is the 15 amp bed heater fuse. Pull it out. Inspect it visually. Test it for continuity with your meter.

Your printer is clearly under warrantee. Try support again - maybe you will get a better tech.


Opublikowany : 18/11/2019 5:58 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: No temperature on Heatbed - I3 MK3S - Need urgently help!


Thanks for your quick feedback.

I just checked the connectors at the heatbed. The connectors are directly screwed on the hotbed. I'm not sure if this the the new version, but it was very strong fixed on the heat bed. Also the check with a meter showed not loose contact. The resident is fixed on 3,2 Ohm at any movement of the y-axle slide.

The two 5 A (brown) and the 15 A (blue) checke visually and with the meter. All were OK.

Do anybody had problems with the heating bed? It worked before. 

Opublikowany : 18/11/2019 6:12 pm
Noble Member
RE: No temperature on Heatbed - I3 MK3S - Need urgently help!

I agree with you. Sounds like an Einsy problem. Mosfet driver gave up the ghost or something.

Back to Support for this one.

Opublikowany : 18/11/2019 6:18 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: No temperature on Heatbed - I3 MK3S - Need urgently help!

Plus you are in warranty, so CHAT with the Prusa people.  They'll have you check a few things again and probably send the new Einsy.

Opublikowany : 18/11/2019 9:23 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: No temperature on Heatbed - I3 MK3S - Need urgently help!

Dear @tim-m30 and @robert-rmm200,

you are right. I will contact once more the Prusa support.

Maybe I was extremely frustrated, because I’m looking for high end support after checking the whole Sunday all forums and Prusa knowledge sites to fix my problem.

I will tell you want happened and what solution I find. 

Opublikowany : 18/11/2019 10:03 pm