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mk3s : Multiple crashes in both X and Y axis  

Active Member
mk3s : Multiple crashes in both X and Y axis

Have an mk3s which lately constantly runs into  X or Y, or both,  chrashes. It started with some Y axis chrases first but the fail rate has evolved. Checked now and the count is 35X crashes and 29Y crashes for the last 10 tests i have tried with some different designs. This continues also after multiple HW checks, re calibrations and homings and also a few HW replacements. Last thing I did was replacing the Y axis belt, which looked a bit weard, and the pulley on the Y axis motor where also replaced. The drums on the Y axis glider has been reattached and checked and also lubricated slightly, but they do run/glide smoothly. The table is not wobling, does not move in the X direction or have any sign of wear. In the Y direction, table seems to be function as expected. Z axis shows no errors in the statistics. Extruder seems to work fine, I will however, replace the nozzle soon, but that should not affect or cause crashes.

Any experiences and tip to on how to proceed, would be highly appreciated.


Thanks in advance


Opublikowany : 12/04/2023 11:57 am
New Member
RE: mk3s : Multiple crashes in both X and Y axis

Today, i've updated the firmware from 3.11.0 to 3.12.2. Before it ran perfectly, now it detects crashes all the time. I hat to go back to 3.11.0, and now it is fine again. I also have an MK3S.

Opublikowany : 15/04/2023 6:47 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:

Hmmm. Nice input but my SW version was 3.11.0 already.. Did try 3.12.2 now, but same issues, reverted, same issue.

One strange observation though. Started a print and as normal, after heating, it checks the bed leveling in 9 points, but the bed was in its front-most position and thus the print head was located above the bed's rear left end. Normally the head should be positioned in the front most left position when started the test (as seen from observers point of view) but it start at the back. After the 3 first points, the bed is to be moved forward but crashes since it is already at its front most position.. The printer never tries to move the bed backward before test begins

Then I restarted the print, but this time I first pushed the bed gently to its rear end manually. Now the bed leveling test finish and the printer starts printing the object, but soon runs into a Y crash.  And in one ocurance the printer tried to push the bed forward beyond its limits.

Either I am facing a motor failure or a main board failure... I'm not sure how the SW counts and calculates the position of the bed, I guess it relies only on the step counted/calculated and maybe a crash is detected by detecting a increase in current as torque rise when reaching beyond its limits and become stuck. I cant see any sensors to detect bed position otherwise. It also seems that the SW has an understanding that the bed is in a different position than it is, I find it strange that the Y motor don't even tries to move the bed forward when starting the bed leveling test.

For the record, again, if I calibrate, the print initially seem to work, including the bed leveling test where the bed is moved to correct position before the test, but then after some minutes, X and Y crashes start to happen.

Hmmm, I see $$$ disappearing into the horizon


This post was modified 1 year temu by zainka
Opublikowany : 17/04/2023 9:12 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:

From another thread, I read that worn-out nozzles could actually generate XY crashes due to the tip crashing into a plastic bump.... Have replaced the nozzle and realigned PINDA and recalibrated. The print is much more smooth now. So, thank you, whoever you are, I could not find that particular post/thread right now, but it made me change the nozzle sooner, rather then later which was the plan. 

Bought the PrimaCreator ReRap Hard Nozzle (0,4 mm). For the moment, things seems to be ok. And, big lesson learn. Nozzle wear out DOES matter. Well I kinda knew that, but I did not know it could lead to problems like this.. 10$ for a new nozzle is a low price to pay to avoid all the troubles an old nozzle could make. Suggest that there is added an hour counter and an alarm limit to remind the user to change nozzle regularly.   

Also, for the records, I reinstalled FW 3.12.2, and it works just fine.



This post was modified 1 year temu by zainka
Opublikowany : 19/04/2023 1:21 pm