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Massive layer shift due to switch to stealth mode?  

New Member
Massive layer shift due to switch to stealth mode?

Hello everyone,

rather new Member here seeking out an explanation for a curious case.

Up until now all of my prints went well apart from some newcomer mistakes. But currently i am in the process of printing the parts for the LACK enclosure and during the most recent print i had 2 massive layer shifts about 5mm each.  At first i thought i sliced it wrong but a GCode viewer showed me that the file is correct.

But than i rememberd i tried the stealth mode for the first time and the height of the first layer shift pretty much fits the time when i switched on stealth mode. And the second one also fits more or less the time when i switched it off. 

I also checked the belt tension which is X: 263; Y: 256.

Unfortunately i just found out about fail statistics now and i already startet the print again. If it goes wrong again i will check it afterwards.

So now my question is can this layer shift happen because of the mode switching or is it just a coinsidence that these happened about the same time. I can´t tell for sure if the mode switching and layer shifting happen at the same time but it generally fits.

If this might not be the cause at what other causes should i look?

Filament: PETG

Nozzle: 225°

Bed: 85


Best Regards


P.S. Please excuse bad the format of the post. Still learning how to attach/implement pictures.


Best Answer by Bunny Science:

Yes, it can happen going from full power mode to stealth. Stealth mode has less available motor torque. Axis catch points or excess movement resistance is more likely to show up in stealth, especially during fast moves. The printer is perfectly capable of running in stealth if the axes are near friction free and without impediment by the cable bundle. I run my Prusa's exclusively in stealth, but it can take patient sleuthing to get the mechanicals smooth enough to be reliable in stealth.

Postato : 25/05/2020 12:54 pm
Bunny Science
Noble Member
RE: Massive layer shift due to switch to stealth mode?

Yes, it can happen going from full power mode to stealth. Stealth mode has less available motor torque. Axis catch points or excess movement resistance is more likely to show up in stealth, especially during fast moves. The printer is perfectly capable of running in stealth if the axes are near friction free and without impediment by the cable bundle. I run my Prusa's exclusively in stealth, but it can take patient sleuthing to get the mechanicals smooth enough to be reliable in stealth.

Postato : 25/05/2020 6:52 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Massive layer shift due to switch to stealth mode?

Ok thank you for your reply. 

I did not know until now how stealth mode worked. Since the redo of the print now finished without problem, that seems to have been the problem. I will try to get it running reliable in the future but for now i am happy to know the cause.

Thanks again Guy. 

Postato : 26/05/2020 8:20 am