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Major problem with Y-axis  

New Member
Major problem with Y-axis

My week old MK3 is having some major problems. After I assembled it, it printer great for a couple days. Then I had a bad print, lots of stringy filament on the extruder to clean up. After that the printer has not been able to print, or calibrate on the Y axis. Here's what's happening.

I can sometimes get it to clear calibration. But then the next time it thinks the bed is in a different position than it is. It will try "home" in the middle of the bed. And when it tries to do the 9 point Z-calibration, it grinds the Y-belt because it thinks it is in a different location on Y.

Also when printing, Once I get it calibrated, it will stop printing after only a few lines and move up the Y-axis and start printing again.

When I check not he display to see where it thinks the Y-axis is, it;s always wrong.

It's constantly trying to move the Y-axis somewhere it can't go and grinding the belt.

I flashed the latest upgrade and did a hard reboot.

Any ideas?

Publié : 25/05/2018 5:45 am
Eminent Member
Re: Major problem with Y-axis

Check your servo connection to Einsy board.

I was having some odd behavior and found one of the x axis servos was not plugged all the way in. The servo worked but not correctly.

Publié : 25/05/2018 6:07 am
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