What values do i need to change in the Firmware / in Slic3r if i want to print really fast?
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What values do i need to change in the Firmware / in Slic3r if i want to print really fast?  

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Reputable Member
What values do i need to change in the Firmware / in Slic3r if i want to print really fast?

Since i build my MK3s with a full heavy aluminum frame and a E3D Volcano, i want to see how much the machine can handle.
Nothing wobbles thanks to the rigid frame, and the Volcanos should up the flow speed from 11mm3/s to around 30mm3/s

There are multiple speed brakes in the firmware and especially in Slic3rPE, i changed a few of them but i'm not satisfied with the minimal speedup they provided. Either i screwed up somewhere and i forgot to change some values, or the many speedbrakes within Slic3r negate some of my changed values.

Can somebody chime in on this?

These are the current hard limitations set in the firmware (configuration_prusa.h)
#define DEFAULT_MAX_FEEDRATE {200, 200, 12, 120} // (mm/sec) max feedrate (M203)
#define DEFAULT_MAX_ACCELERATION {1000, 1000, 200, 5000} // (mm/sec^2) max acceleration (M201)

#define DEFAULT_ACCELERATION 1250 // X, Y, Z and E max acceleration in mm/s^2 for printing moves (M204S)
#define DEFAULT_RETRACT_ACCELERATION 1250 // X, Y, Z and E max acceleration in mm/s^2 for retracts (M204T)

#define MANUAL_FEEDRATE {2700, 2700, 1000, 100} // set the speeds for manual moves (mm/min)

//Silent mode limits
#define SILENT_MAX_ACCEL 960 // max axxeleration in silent mode in mm/s^2
#define SILENT_MAX_ACCEL_ST (100*SILENT_MAX_ACCEL) // max accel in steps/s^2
#define SILENT_MAX_FEEDRATE 172 //max feedrate in mm/s, because mode switched to normal for homming , this value limits also homing, it should be greater (172mm/s=9600mm/min>2700mm/min)

//Normal mode limits
#define NORMAL_MAX_ACCEL 2500 // Y-axis max axxeleration in normal mode in mm/s^2
#define NORMAL_MAX_ACCEL_ST (100*NORMAL_MAX_ACCEL) // max accel in steps/s^2
#define NORMAL_MAX_FEEDRATE 200 //max feedrate in mm/s, because mode switched to normal for homming , this value limits also homing, it should be greater (172mm/s=9600mm/min>2700mm/min)

I'm currently trying
#define DEFAULT_MAX_FEEDRATE {500, 500, 12, 120} // (mm/sec) max feedrate (M203)
#define DEFAULT_MAX_ACCELERATION {4000, 4000, 200, 5000} // (mm/sec^2) max acceleration (M201)

#define DEFAULT_ACCELERATION 1250 // X, Y, Z and E max acceleration in mm/s^2 for printing moves (M204S)
#define DEFAULT_RETRACT_ACCELERATION 1250 // X, Y, Z and E max acceleration in mm/s^2 for retracts (M204T)

#define MANUAL_FEEDRATE {2700, 2700, 1000, 100} // set the speeds for manual moves (mm/min)

//Silent mode limits
#define SILENT_MAX_ACCEL 960 // max axxeleration in silent mode in mm/s^2
#define SILENT_MAX_ACCEL_ST (100*SILENT_MAX_ACCEL) // max accel in steps/s^2
#define SILENT_MAX_FEEDRATE 172 //max feedrate in mm/s, because mode switched to normal for homming , this value limits also homing, it should be greater (172mm/s=9600mm/min>2700mm/min)

//Normal mode limits
#define NORMAL_MAX_ACCEL 2500 // Y-axis max axxeleration in normal mode in mm/s^2
#define NORMAL_MAX_ACCEL_ST (100*NORMAL_MAX_ACCEL) // max accel in steps/s^2
#define NORMAL_MAX_FEEDRATE 350//max feedrate in mm/s, because mode switched to normal for homming , this value limits also homing, it should be greater (172mm/s=9600mm/min>2700mm/min)

(btw, where are the variables for jerk? I cannot find them.)

edit:found the values for Jerk.
edit2: won't be messing with jerks i think (huh, pun), these tend to provide worse results.


#define DEFAULT_XJERK 10 // (mm/sec)
#define DEFAULT_YJERK 10 // (mm/sec)
#define DEFAULT_ZJERK 0.4 // (mm/sec)
#define DEFAULT_EJERK 2.5 // (mm/sec)

M503 to the printer results in this
echo:Steps per unit:
echo: M92 X100.00 Y100.00 Z400.00 E813.00
echo:Maximum feedrates (mm/s):
echo: M203 X500.00 Y500.00 Z12.00 E120.00
echo:Maximum Acceleration (mm/s2):
echo: M201 X4000 Y4000 Z200 E5000
echo:Acceleration: S=acceleration, T=retract acceleration
echo: M204 S1250.00 T1250.00
echo:Advanced variables: S=Min feedrate (mm/s), T=Min travel feedrate (mm/s), B=minimum segment time (ms), X=maximum XY jerk (mm/s), Z=maximum Z jerk (mm/s), E=maximum E jerk (mm/s)
echo: M205 S0.00 T0.00 B20000 X10.00 Y10.00 Z0.40 E2.50
echo:Home offset (mm):
echo: M206 X0.00 Y0.00 Z0.00
echo:PID settings:
echo: M301 P16.13 I1.16 D56.23
echo:PID heatbed settings:
echo: M304 P126.13 I4.30 D924.76
echo:Retract: S=Length (mm) F:Speed (mm/m) Z: ZLift (mm)
echo: M207 S3.00 F2700.00 Z0.00
echo:Recover: S=Extra length (mm) F:Speed (mm/m)
echo: M208 S0.00 F480.00
echo:Auto-Retract: S=0 to disable, 1 to interpret extrude-only moves as retracts or recoveries
echo: M209 S0
echo:Filament settings: Disabled

Slic3r section:

In Slic3r, we have the following
Print Settings -> Speed

Perimeters 45mm/s
Small perimeters 25mm/s
External perimeters 45mm/s
Infill 170mm/s
Solid infill 170mm/s
Top solid infill 50mm/s
Support material 50mm/s
Bridges 30mm/s
Gap infill 40mm/s

Travel Speed 170mm/s

First layer speed 30mm/s

Perimeter Acceleration 800 mm/s2
Infill Acceleration 1500 mm/s2
Bridge Acceleration 1000 mm/s2
First Layer Acceleration 1000 mm/s2
Default Acceleration 1000mm/s2

Max print Autospeed 200mm/s

Filament Settings -> Cooling

Slow down layer time 20 seconds
Min print speed 15mm/s

Filament Settings -> Advanced

Max volumetric speed 15mm3/s

Printer Settings -> Custom Gcode

M201 X2000 Y2000 Z200 E5000 ; sets maximum accelerations, mm/sec^2
M203 X400 Y400 Z12 E120 ; sets maximum feedrates, mm/sec
M204 S1500 T1500 ; sets acceleration (S) and retract acceleration (T)
M205 X10 Y10 Z0.4 E2.5 ; sets the jerk limits, mm/sec
M205 S0 T0 ; sets the minimum extruding and travel feed rate, mm/sec

and finally
Printer Settings -> Extruder 1

Retraction speed 35mm/s
Deretraction speed 0mm/s

Currently i'm trying these speed settings for the Aluminum Frame and the for the E3D Volcano flow (0.4mm E3D Volcano Nozzle)

Print Settings -> Speed

Perimeters 45mm/s
Small perimeters 25mm/s
External perimeters 45mm/s
Infill 250mm/s
Solid infill 250mm/s
Top solid infill 80mm/s
Support material 80mm/s
Bridges 30mm/s
Gap infill 40mm/s

Travel Speed 250mm/s

First layer speed 50mm/s

Perimeter Acceleration 1200mm/s2
Infill Acceleration 2000 mm/s2
Bridge Acceleration 1000 mm/s2
First Layer Acceleration 1000 mm/s2
Default Acceleration 1000mm/s2

Max print Autospeed 350mm/s

Filament Settings -> Cooling

Slow down layer time 10 seconds
Min print speed 5mm/s

Filament Settings -> Advanced

Max volumetric speed 30mm3/s

Printer Settings -> Custom Gcode

M201 X4000 Y4000 Z200 E5000 ; sets maximum accelerations, mm/sec^2
M203 X400 Y400 Z12 E120 ; sets maximum feedrates, mm/sec - <- Do i need to change the E120 value here as well for the Volcano (also in the firmware??)
M204 S1500 T1500 ; sets acceleration (S) and retract acceleration (T)
M205 X10 Y10 Z0.4 E2.5 ; sets the jerk limits, mm/sec
M205 S0 T0 ; sets the minimum extruding and travel feed rate, mm/sec

and finally
Printer Settings -> Extruder 1

Retraction speed 35mm/s
Deretraction speed 0mm/s

Posted : 26/05/2018 12:29 pm
Antient Member Moderator
Re: What values do i need to change in the Firmware / in Slic3r if i want to print really fast?

Apologies that I don't have time to go through all the suggested settings, but you need to make only one change at a time to find the fail limits.

Or better still, design a good model (maybe a large 5-point star) and make small changes layer-by-layer. That way you can determine the limit for most settings with just one print.

You will need to use a "wizard" such as that provided by KISS (free download for single extruder printers) and for most settings use the <TUNINGVAL> token, which can be varied by layer within start and end parameters you supply. I don't know whether Slic3r has such a feature, but it so, then you can use that.

Then you can test the Jerk value s as well.


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Posted : 26/05/2018 2:49 pm
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: What values do i need to change in the Firmware / in Slic3r if i want to print really fast?

Printing above 250+mm with the 0.4 Volcano Nozzle now, (btw, i love Slic3r 1.40's layer speed view) although contrary to Tomans Sanlanderers video, the Volcano has some CRAZY Oozing. Like 5 times more oozing than the stock V6 had

PLA even starts stringing like crazy now.

Changed Retraction length for the Volcano to 1.6 now.

Printing PLA at 230 degrees like i always do, maybe i need to drop down to 210 now with it.

Posted : 26/05/2018 3:22 pm
Noble Member
Re: What values do i need to change in the Firmware / in Slic3r if i want to print really fast?

Can somebody chime in on this?

I'm not as far along as you, but I have been able to push it to a flow rate of 31.68mm^3/sec using a 0.8mm nozzle, 0.96mm width, and a 0.6mm height. If I push it faster, I start to get extruder clicking, so I think that's the volumetric limit (which is in agreement with your ~30mm^3/sec hypothetical limit). I also think 0.6mm height is the maximum, even if I were to use a larger diameter nozzle, without collisions with what's already extruded (due to overlapping extrusions).

The problem, of course, is that if doing something small, like a Benchie, it's not hitting those speeds, because of constant acceleration and deceleration. For my use-case, that probably doesn't matter much, but, of course, any improvements in that area are always good.

Use of concentric infill on the first layer helps both with speed and avoiding collisions, but it makes for a lousy top layer. Fortunately, there's a way to slice it so that it's concentric on the bottom and still rectilinear on the top.

I hope both you and others continue to post on this topic as you learn more, because it's both very useful and pooling our results (as you suggested on a different thread) can only help.

To that end, is there a particular benchmark print that you think would be useful for us all to use, so that we can better compare our print times? For the above reasons, I would suggest it not be Benchie. I'm more interested in boxes (specifically project boxes for electronics), so I'd be in favor of picking something boxlike to benchmark against, but that's just my bias. If you have a better candidate, I'd probably go along with it, and hopefully others would as well.

Printing above 250+mm with the 0.4 Volcano Nozzle now, (btw, i love Slic3r 1.40's layer speed view) although contrary to Tomans Sanlanderers video, the Volcano has some CRAZY Oozing. Like 5 times more oozing than the stock V6 had

I have about the same amount of oozing as before, but it seems much more likely to break off (as it should) during the initial wipe stage, so it's definitely not as big an obstacle as it was before the volcano upgrade. This has been quite a relief.

[Edit: A nice thing about the simply3d slicer is that it will show, in a color coded way, the print speeds of the different lines in the different layers in the print preview window. That helps to identify relative slow points in the print process before it even starts, thus giving some idea as to areas that need improving. ]

Posted : 01/06/2018 1:43 am
Noble Member
Re: What values do i need to change in the Firmware / in Slic3r if i want to print really fast?

Here is Joan's test square (0.2mm layer height, just layer 1) with 0.8mm nozzle and 0.96mm extrusion width set in the slicer to print at 165mm/sec. Not sure what speeds it's actually attaining. Is there an easy way to find that out? e.g. debug data from the usb serial port?

I don't know if you can see it in the photo, but at the start of each line, all around the square, there is underextrusion.

So, probably the head acceleration needs to decrease, or better yet, extrusion acceleration needs to increase, at least here on the first layer. The problem goes away if speed is reduced to ~70%.

The problem seems to mitigate, and perhaps even disappear, starting on layer 2, so it seems I can go full 165mm speed from then on out. Go figure.

Posted : 02/06/2018 12:31 am
Honorable Member
Re: What values do i need to change in the Firmware / in Slic3r if i want to print really fast?

With the volcano, and the upcoming MegaVolcano, you can print at MUCH lower temps, which will if anything reduce overall oozing. The reason such high temps are needed with standard hot end, is the "short" heat break. To heat "ALL" the filament above, say 200c BEFORE the nozzle diameter is reached, you need to run the temp closer to 230 or 240.

For an example of "what temps are required."

These ABS pellets have an advised extrusion temp of 150c to 190c, for creating filament. Yeah, MAX advised temp is 190c. That's lower than we can print PLA at!

My point is, the "longer" the heat chamber, the lower the temp you can print at. I don't think it's a well documents quirk of the volcano. The MegaVolcano, might even be able to print ABS at temps below 200c.

Hi, I'm Sean. I used to work on CNC machines.
I try to not make mistakes, but the decision is YOURS.
Please feel free to donate to my filament/maintance fund.

Posted : 02/06/2018 3:38 pm
Noble Member
Re: What values do i need to change in the Firmware / in Slic3r if i want to print really fast?

With the volcano, and the upcoming MegaVolcano, you can print at MUCH lower temps, which will if anything reduce overall oozing. The reason such high temps are needed with standard hot end, is the "short" heat break. To heat "ALL" the filament above, say 200c BEFORE the nozzle diameter is reached, you need to run the temp closer to 230 or 240.

For an example of "what temps are required."

These ABS pellets have an advised extrusion temp of 150c to 190c, for creating filament. Yeah, MAX advised temp is 190c. That's lower than we can print PLA at!

My point is, the "longer" the heat chamber, the lower the temp you can print at. I don't think it's a well documents quirk of the volcano. The MegaVolcano, might even be able to print ABS at temps below 200c.

Interesting! A big thank you, as I hadn't considered looking at it that way. Makes perfect sense.

The specs on the material you referenced:
Plastic Type: ABS
Print Temperature: 210°C - 230 °C
Extrude Temperature: 150°C - 190 °C

So, are you saying that a regular V6, you set the print temperature at 210-230C, but with a Volcano, you set it to 150-190C?

The other benefit, which is significant, is that if changing from PETG to PLA, I can set the nozzle heat to 215C and not worry that the old PETG is going to jam the nozzle, as did happen with me the first time I tried it on the regular V6. I tried it on the volcano, and....no jamming! The old PETG flowed out no problem. 😎 And, with your explanation, that now makes total sense as to why. 💡

[Edit: I have since tried it on the volcano. I can print Monoprice PLA Plus with the volcano set to 200C, but extrusion often fails if set to 190C.]
Edit2: Hmmm. I'm getting better solid infills if i use a higher temperature, such as 230C. Sorry, but the lower temp idea doesn't appear to work well for me. Maybe if I turned off the extrusion fan? I don't know: there are so many variables which share mutual dependencies that it's difficult to pinpoint the sweet spot in all of it.]

Posted : 02/06/2018 4:04 pm
Honorable Member
Re: What values do i need to change in the Firmware / in Slic3r if i want to print really fast?

No, with a 6 inch long filament extruder for making your own filament.

My point is, the longer the melt chamber, the closer you keep the nozzle to optimal temp... And the more consistent the temp of tvr filament.

Actually, that link was filabot, I think their big melt chamber is around 12 inches long...

Hi, I'm Sean. I used to work on CNC machines.
I try to not make mistakes, but the decision is YOURS.
Please feel free to donate to my filament/maintance fund.

Posted : 02/06/2018 9:52 pm
Noble Member
Re: What values do i need to change in the Firmware / in Slic3r if i want to print really fast?

I'm done. I burned through a kilogram of plastic to fine tune it, but I've got it really well dialed in now. 😀

Interestingly, it's a good thing I did burn through a kilogram of plastic, because the next filament I tried printed so much better. So, the choice of filament is apparently part of the overall finetuning.

I'd say the hardest part of the whole thing, at least for me, was finding a z-height adjustment that worked well enough for both layer 1 and for subsequent layers. With the first filament I tried (Monoprice PLA+), I just couldn't find one. With the second filament (3DRAX ngen PLA plus), it worked on the first try. Go figure. Until there are better standards, this is still a black art as far as I'm concerned.

I had to dial-back a bit from peak speed of 3300mm/sec in order to get consistent prints. Maybe someone else can do better, but here are the settings I arrived at that work for me:
z-height: 0.8mm (obviously, machine specific, but that's mine)
nozzle size: 0.8mm
extrusion width: 0.96mm
layer height: 0.6mmj
Extrusion multiplier: 1.00
First layer height: 100%
First layer width: 100%
First layer speed:100%
Speed: 3000mm/min
Outline underspeed:100%
Solid infill underspeed:100%
Internal Infill pattern: Full Honeycomb ; I may revisit this now that I have stable settings
Exernal Fill Pattern: Rectilinear
Interior Fill Percentage: 30%
Infill Extrusion Width:80% ; hmm.. I thought it was 100%. I may need to revisit this too. Anyhow, it seems to work!
Temperature for PLA: 230C
Heated Bed: 60C
Filament white 3DRAX ngen PLA plus
The other settings are just whatever the simplify3D defaults are.

These settings get you 91% of the way to the theoretical maximum speed, and that's good enough for me. Hope you find it useful! 😀

Posted : 02/06/2018 11:02 pm
Noble Member
Re: What values do i need to change in the Firmware / in Slic3r if i want to print really fast?

Epilog: I found that using linear advance, with K=20, improved my print quality quite a bit at the higher speeds.

I'm getting perfect prints at 3000mm/min and 2000mm/min at layer height 0.4mm and 0.6mm respectively. If I go much faster than that, though, the print quality starts to be less and less perfect, so I think those are the speeds I'm going to stick with. I don't think it's an issue of the hotend being able to keep up, because I've already proven it can. I think maybe the firmware/slicer just aren't tuned very well to producing perfect prints at higher speeds. That may mean the megavolcano won't really be an upgrade, unless maybe using much larger nozzles on probably some other machine.

If anyone else can get perfect prints at higher speeds, I'd be very interested in how you're able to do it, so please do post an update to this thread even if it's in the distant future.

Posted : 10/06/2018 8:11 pm
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: What values do i need to change in the Firmware / in Slic3r if i want to print really fast?

Epilog: I found that using linear advance, with K=20, improved my print quality quite a bit at the higher speeds.

I find with Linear Advance ON i'm getting pretty worse print results so far at higher speeds than 80mm/s
Infill breaks up, infill/wall overlap is often not happening even with the setting above 50%, and weird underextruded areas in different places.

With LA OFF i'm seeing better results overall.

That thing won't make any sense unless you have a build volume of a cubic meter, and print with 3mm filament at a 0.8mm or 1mm nozzle.
see here:

This is the market these things will be used for:

Posted : 10/06/2018 10:16 pm
Todd Anderson
New Member
Re: What values do i need to change in the Firmware / in Slic3r if i want to print really fast?

Glad I found this post! Didn't realize I need to edit the firmware. I've just installed a 0.8mm Microswiss nozzle, using the E3Dv6 my MK3 came with. Figuring I'll try going halfway or more towards the settings Devilhunter listed and see what I can do with the speed tests. Looks like I'm limited to 15mm3/sec for max volumetric flowrate?

Posted : 11/06/2018 6:55 pm
Noble Member
Re: What values do i need to change in the Firmware / in Slic3r if i want to print really fast?

Glad I found this post! Didn't realize I need to edit the firmware. I've just installed a 0.8mm Microswiss nozzle, using the E3Dv6 my MK3 came with. Figuring I'll try going halfway or more towards the settings Devilhunter listed and see what I can do with the speed tests. Looks like I'm limited to 15mm3/sec for max volumetric flowrate?

I'm getting perfect prints with a flow rate of 19.2mm^3/sec. You can make it flow at 31mm^3/sec, but print quality suffers (though still useable by chinese standards). The question is why? Is the faster flow somehow inherently wonky, or is it just a matter of somehow improving the settings to exploit the faster flow? I hope you can help us answer the question!

Posted : 11/06/2018 7:26 pm
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: What values do i need to change in the Firmware / in Slic3r if i want to print really fast?

Glad I found this post! Didn't realize I need to edit the firmware. I've just installed a 0.8mm Microswiss nozzle, using the E3Dv6 my MK3 came with. Figuring I'll try going halfway or more towards the settings Devilhunter listed and see what I can do with the speed tests. Looks like I'm limited to 15mm3/sec for max volumetric flowrate?

V6 heaterblock can realistically go up to 11.3mm3/s in a normal scenario.
The 15mm3/s number is pulled out of someone's behind it seems, or it does not stand for a 0.4mm nozzle and PLA's flow properties.
With a 0.4mm nozzle + PLA, Infill will break apart when printing larger objects with speeds greater than 140mm/s,
(11.3mm3/0.4/0.2~141.25mm/s) and the stock MK3 values are 200mm/s for normal and 170mm/s for quiet mode.

David uses a volcano and a 0.8mm nozzle, he could post some numbers like i did in the first post.

The volcano heaterblock can go up at around triple flow, around 30mm3/s, and in my case it would allow for around 400mm/s print moves, but it's limited by the 0.4mm nozzle to around 200mm/s via my tests.
Wanted to print around 250-300mm, but the 0.4mm nozzle limits the output flow a lot.

My math is kinda bad to go into details, and PJR can explain this a lot better.

I made a speed test object with some special gcode to test the limits of the hotend, where you'll print a 1 perimeter shell around 5cm high, and every 5mm up it changes speed.

I could get around 200mm/s with a volcano, a 0.4mm nozzle and 0.2mm layer height.

i'll get around to post it here later.

Posted : 11/06/2018 7:32 pm
Todd Anderson
New Member
Re: What values do i need to change in the Firmware / in Slic3r if i want to print really fast?

I'll list the values I'm trying in a similar format to Devilhunter's.

I'm using the E3Dv6 with a 0.8mm microswiss nozzle. Everything else on my MK3 is stock.

Currently focusing on these items:

  • getting support to hold onto the object it is supporting, currently it barely touches anywhere

  • improving bridging

  • reducing voids at the seams in my external perimeters
  • Like Devilhunter, I've left extrusion and z acceleration alone, but I want to try increasing their limits a bit now because I think it may help with all three of the items currently in this list.

    I've italicized the parameters I want to test next, the ones I've currently changed are bold.

    Firmware settings:

    #define DEFAULT_MAX_FEEDRATE {[b]350[/b], [b]350[/b], [i]12[/i], [i]120[/i]} // (mm/sec) max feedrate (M203)
    #define DEFAULT_MAX_ACCELERATION {[b]2500[/b], [b]2500[/b], [i]200[/i], [i]5000[/i]} // (mm/sec^2) max acceleration (M201)

    #define DEFAULT_ACCELERATION [i]1250[/i] // X, Y, Z and E max acceleration in mm/s^2 for printing moves (M204S)
    #define DEFAULT_RETRACT_ACCELERATION [i]1250[/i] // X, Y, Z and E max acceleration in mm/s^2 for retracts (M204T)

    #define MANUAL_FEEDRATE {[b]2700[/b], [b]2700[/b], 1000, 100} // set the speeds for manual moves (mm/min)

    //Silent mode limits
    #define SILENT_MAX_ACCEL 960 // max axxeleration in silent mode in mm/s^2
    #define SILENT_MAX_ACCEL_ST (100*SILENT_MAX_ACCEL) // max accel in steps/s^2
    #define SILENT_MAX_FEEDRATE 172 //max feedrate in mm/s, because mode switched to normal for homming , this value limits also homing, it should be greater (172mm/s=9600mm/min>2700mm/min)

    //Normal mode limits
    #define NORMAL_MAX_ACCEL 2500 // Y-axis max axxeleration in normal mode in mm/s^2
    #define NORMAL_MAX_ACCEL_ST (100*NORMAL_MAX_ACCEL) // max accel in steps/s^2
    #define NORMAL_MAX_FEEDRATE [b]280[/b] //max feedrate in mm/s, because mode switched to normal for homming , this value limits also homing, it should be greater (172mm/s=9600mm/min>2700mm/min)

    I would like my exact print and filament settings, but it looks like there's a bug in Slic3r 1.40.0-beta+. It's not saving my print settings when I have a custom printer settings option selected. I still have the custom print settings for the system 0.6mm nozzle, but not for my custom 0.8mm nozzle printer settings.

    So, from memory:

    Print Settings -> Speed

    Perimeters 90mm/s
    Small perimeters 40mm/s
    External perimeters 80mm/s
    Infill 120mm/s
    Solid infill 100mm/s
    Top solid infill 80mm/s
    Support material 70mm/s
    Bridges 50mm/s
    Gap infill 40mm/s

    Travel Speed 220mm/s

    First layer speed 30mm/s

    Perimeter Acceleration 1100mm/s2
    Infill Acceleration 1800 mm/s2
    Bridge Acceleration 1100 mm/s2
    First Layer Acceleration 1100 mm/s2
    Default Acceleration 1200mm/s2

    Max print Autospeed 240mm/s

    Filament Settings -> Cooling

    Slow down layer time 15 seconds
    Min print speed 17mm/s

    Filament Settings -> Advanced

    Max volumetric speed 18mm3/s

    and finally
    Printer Settings -> Extruder 1

    Retraction Length [b]1mm[/b]
    Lift Z: [b]0.9mm[/b]
    Retraction speed [b]38mm[/b]/s
    Deretraction speed [b]35mm[/b]/s

    Posted : 12/06/2018 1:13 am
    Reputable Member
    Topic starter answered:
    Re: What values do i need to change in the Firmware / in Slic3r if i want to print really fast?

    Glad I found this post! Didn't realize I need to edit the firmware. I've just installed a 0.8mm Microswiss nozzle, using the E3Dv6 my MK3 came with. Figuring I'll try going halfway or more towards the settings Devilhunter listed and see what I can do with the speed tests. Looks like I'm limited to 15mm3/sec for max volumetric flowrate?

    I'm getting perfect prints with a flow rate of 19.2mm^3/sec. You can make it flow at 31mm^3/sec, but print quality suffers (though still useable by chinese standards). The question is why? Is the faster flow somehow inherently wonky, or is it just a matter of somehow improving the settings to exploit the faster flow? I hope you can help us answer the question!

    david, can you post or send me the settings you print with with the volcano and the 0.8mm nozzle? (just some screenshots of the Print settings tab for layers, speed, and advanced)

    I've put together a extrusion speed test gcode for a speed modified MK3 + 0.4mm nozzle (stock MK3s can run it, too), and i want to make one for the 0.8mm nozzle as well.

    Posted : 12/06/2018 10:26 pm
    Noble Member
    Re: What values do i need to change in the Firmware / in Slic3r if i want to print really fast?

    Glad I found this post! Didn't realize I need to edit the firmware. I've just installed a 0.8mm Microswiss nozzle, using the E3Dv6 my MK3 came with. Figuring I'll try going halfway or more towards the settings Devilhunter listed and see what I can do with the speed tests. Looks like I'm limited to 15mm3/sec for max volumetric flowrate?

    I'm getting perfect prints with a flow rate of 19.2mm^3/sec. You can make it flow at 31mm^3/sec, but print quality suffers (though still useable by chinese standards). The question is why? Is the faster flow somehow inherently wonky, or is it just a matter of somehow improving the settings to exploit the faster flow? I hope you can help us answer the question!

    david, can you post or send me the settings you print with with the volcano and the 0.8mm nozzle? (just some screenshots of the Print settings tab for layers, speed, and advanced)

    I've put together a extrusion speed test gcode for a speed modified MK3 + 0.4mm nozzle (stock MK3s can run it, too), and i want to make one for the 0.8mm nozzle as well.

    Sure. Here they are:

    Posted : 12/06/2018 11:20 pm
    Noble Member
    Re: What values do i need to change in the Firmware / in Slic3r if i want to print really fast?

    The next traunch:

    Posted : 12/06/2018 11:22 pm
    Noble Member
    Re: What values do i need to change in the Firmware / in Slic3r if i want to print really fast?

    And the next:

    Posted : 12/06/2018 11:22 pm
    Noble Member
    Re: What values do i need to change in the Firmware / in Slic3r if i want to print really fast?

    And the final batch:

    Posted : 12/06/2018 11:23 pm
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