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Loud Squeaking on longer prints  

New Member
Loud Squeaking on longer prints

Hey everyone! If someone can help me I would be forever greatful. I bought and assembled the MK3 and for the first couple weeks it printed without issue. Now the issue I am having is after a certain amount of time on a print while the hot end moves it squeaks very loudly. When it first starts printing it is completely fine, but somewhere around the time it reaches 20 on the Z axis it starts to squeak in one spot. By the end of the print which ends around 140 to 150 on the Z axis it squeaks at every spot and drives me insane. The print itself is fine and there seems to be no issue at all there. The belts seem fine and tension on the bondtech gears appears to be correct. I lubricated the rails to ensure it wasn’t a bearing issue. When looking at the print the sound appears to be coming from the nossle itself. I’ve done calibrations and adjusted my live z to no avail. At this point I’m at a loss as to how to fix it. I did have a fail in which one of my pieces was knocked off the bed but I could see no issue with any part of the extruder assembly.

Napsal : 28/12/2018 5:46 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Loud Squeaking on longer prints

I also want to add that I did a small test print of the whistle that came on the sd card and it had no issue with the print and there was no squeaking. I am using Slic3r PE and using the recommended settings for the I3

Napsal : 28/12/2018 5:48 am