Long ABS print, large surface, may have damaged surface PEI sheet
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Long ABS print, large surface, may have damaged surface PEI sheet  

Active Member
Long ABS print, large surface, may have damaged surface PEI sheet

Similar to this, https://shop.prusa3d.com/forum/hardware-firmware-and-software-help-f64/pei-powder-coating-damaged--t19062.html#p88895
But much more noticeable ?

After a 12 hour ABS print, with large footprints.

Smooth surface PEI sheet, have some mark exact matching the ABS footprints. Where the ABS has warped and lifted a little of the bed, looks like the tense of the ABS may have damaged the smooth PEI Sheet. I can feel the noticeable bump no on the shert.

First timing with a long ABS print, all other prints have been PLA.

Photos: https://imgur.com/a/EODpwYS

Any advice ?
* Do not print large ABS
* Only short (timesie) prints ABS ?
* Although big bubbles - ignore them for now they will go way


Napsal : 30/09/2018 12:56 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Long ABS print, large surface, may have damaged surface PEI sheet

* Although big bubbles - ignore them for now they will go way

Napsal : 30/09/2018 4:00 pm
New Member
Re: Long ABS print, large surface, may have damaged surface PEI sheet

I had exactly the same experience this WE.
Large ABS footprint left small bubbles and also seemed to have difformed the sheet. You can feel slight variations on the surface.
- Does anyone know if we should avoid large print with ABS on those sheets?
- Do the coarse PEI coated sheets perform better?


Napsal : 01/10/2018 1:35 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Long ABS print, large surface, may have damaged surface PEI sheet

* Although big bubbles - ignore them for now they will go way

Some bubble still there after 6 months

Napsal : 22/04/2019 12:44 am
Re: Long ABS print, large surface, may have damaged surface PEI sheet

Some will go away, and some will stay. Print beds do not last forever; they are expendable.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Napsal : 22/04/2019 1:32 am
Reputable Member
Re: Long ABS print, large surface, may have damaged surface PEI sheet

Yep. Sometimes bubbles will stick around. ABS tends to be bad for many buildsheets due to it's requirement for high adhesion, and high warp tendency. Try Printbite+ or Filaprint if printing lots of ABS type materials.

Napsal : 22/04/2019 6:56 am