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Ironing and Bed Adhesion  

Active Member
Ironing and Bed Adhesion

So I had an idea the other day, and please someone who is more familiar with the coding and intricacies related to slicing programs jump in on this if it is not even plausible...

The ironing feature for smoothing out top layers is pretty cool, and after thinking about it for a while, I really think that this feature could be expanded to possible help increase first layer adhesion when printing. Couldn't some updates be done to say Slic3rPE for this to be a checkbox to add in where when active the printer can lay down the first layer, then switch to ironing mode and go over that initial layer again to smooth it out/make it melt and droop (for lack of a better word) downwards to really form well to the build plate?

Maybe it would have to be a separate function where instead of actually making contact with the bottom layer, the extruder retracts the filament to keep from baking it, heats up another 10-20C, and then moves like it is ironing, but just a fraction of a millimeter above the actual layer itself so that it isn't dragging it around any and trying to move that first layer. Then it drops back down to normal temperature and feeds the filament to continue.

Thoughts and ideas??

Napsal : 14/04/2018 12:26 am