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I got a wicked shimmy! Y-Axis chatter.  

New Member
I got a wicked shimmy! Y-Axis chatter.

I was printing some small boxes in PLA on the MK3s. When printing one short side of one box with the platen moving along the Y-axis it was making a horrible noise like a bearing grinding but only down the one side. "Chatter" marks can be seen along the top surface left.

I've attached a video. Can someone help out with troubleshooting tips please. 

Y-Axis chatter


Napsal : 16/05/2022 6:24 pm
Trusted Member
RE: I got a wicked shimmy! Y-Axis chatter.

That didn't really sound like anything from the print bed to me.  When it wasn't making the "chatter" the y-axis sounded great.  I get similar sounds on some very different items after putting in weights when I get extruded material sitting up too high and the nozzle hits.  Yours sounded like plastic hitting to me.  Like maybe you had a plastic blob or warp and then the fan shroud was hitting or something. Did you check bottom of extruder for anything sitting too low?

Napsal : 20/05/2022 5:10 pm
Illustrious Member

There is a visibly corrugated layer on one side - I suspect you have chosen a filament crossing infill in a wall too thin to contain it.


Add two or three perimeters.

Or: Change to a different infill - cubic or gyroid should be OK.


Napsal : 21/05/2022 1:03 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: I got a wicked shimmy! Y-Axis chatter.

Hi, thanks for the replies. I think there was an issue in the settings. I ran a calibration test using the same settings and something weird happened. The printer stopped increased the temp to 223degC from 205 then dropped back to 205 again and carried on. Whole thing looked a mess so I stopped the print and ran calibration using a default setup and they were perfect. I binned the settings and started again modifying a default set.

I think Diem may be right it was an issue with the infill/gap fill. The thing I was printing was an STL from the web so along with the changes to the settings I redesigned it in Fusion with uniform thickness walls and a slightly bigger radius on the corners. Knocked 50mins off print time and no chatter for slightly more filament.


Napsal : 21/05/2022 9:20 am