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How do I identify what model I have?  

Active Member
How do I identify what model I have?

Hello and sorry if this has been asked, but I can't see to find a clear answer.  Buddy of mine had a MK3 he was not using and let me borrow.  I wanted to update the firmware to latest and greatest, however, am not sure if this is the MK3s or MK3s+.  Is it possible to enter the serial number somewhere to check?  I'm guessing it is a MK3s since it has a the orange control knob instead of the black ones I'm seeing on the site, but would like to make sure so I don't accidentally load wrong firmware and brick something.


Opublikowany : 27/11/2022 3:28 am
Honorable Member
RE: How do I identify what model I have?

See @joantabb ‘s answer in this recent thread-


Opublikowany : 27/11/2022 6:05 am
print_n00b polubić
Illustrious Member
RE: How do I identify what model I have?

For all intents and purposes there's no difference between the Mk3S and the M3S+ from a firmware perspective. The Mk3S and S+ are basically the same printer, with some minor upgrades. And if you or your buddy upgraded the Mk3S to a Mk3S+, it will still identify in firmware as a Mk3S.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Opublikowany : 27/11/2022 12:13 pm
print_n00b polubić
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: How do I identify what model I have?

Thank you. Just tried flashing. The lcd  on the mk3s said completed and firmware shows as latest, however the message on prusa slicer that I used to flash said failed. 🤷‍♂️

Opublikowany : 27/11/2022 4:52 pm