How do I Fix Wire Pinching Leading to Thermal Anomalies and Z Leveling Error?
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How do I Fix Wire Pinching Leading to Thermal Anomalies and Z Leveling Error?  

How do I Fix Wire Pinching Leading to Thermal Anomalies and Z Leveling Error?

Another user helped me identify my issue as pinched wires somewhere, which was leading to constant thermal anomalies and Z leveling errors. He stated this was a "known" issue with wires being pinched and I have since confirmed the wiring is the cause of my issues. (the hot end is OEM and fairly new) 

The problem is that I cannot seem to fix the issue. I have cut/loosened all the zip ties at the hot end. I also opened up the cover to the board and reconfigured wires there to eliminate twists. Is there a specific process to follow or area I should be looking at? I would hate to have to completely open it up and re-run the wiring entirely. If I have to, how do I avoid the issue again?

Veröffentlicht : 20/11/2023 7:32 pm
Reputable Member
RE: How do I Fix Wire Pinching Leading to Thermal Anomalies and Z Leveling Error?

If a pinched wire was the issue, the wire will be physically damaged inside.  You may have to cut out the pinched part and resolder the wires together.

To prevent it from happening, don't over tighten the zip ties and ensure that there is minimal flexing in the wires.


Veröffentlicht : 21/11/2023 2:10 am