Hotend cools to zero at inserted Pause code during print
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Hotend cools to zero at inserted Pause code during print  

Active Member
Hotend cools to zero at inserted Pause code during print

Hey folks!

I added a Pause code at layer 3.60. The machine does pause, the bed stays at temp, but the hotend cools to zero. Also, I'm not seeing the Text Prompt on the LCD monitor that I entered at slicing, only "Print Paused". Firmware is most recent. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong.



Postato : 15/09/2022 2:40 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Hotend cools to zero at inserted Pause code during print

Nope, pausing a print turns the hotend off but keeps the bed heated (as you dont want the part to detach).  That's built into the mk3's firmware, the firmware decides how the pause gcode is handled.

As for the text prompt, I'm guessing you used M117, well thats always been a bit flaky, its probably flashing up for a microsecond and then being replaced by the firmware Print Paused message.  You put it before the pause, it flashes up, the next instruction is the pause which puts its own message up, if you added it after the pause it wouldn't get processed till after you exit the pause.  As I say, a bit flaky 😉

Postato : 15/09/2022 5:41 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Hotend cools to zero at inserted Pause code during print

Regarding the text output with M117, you could insert a dwell time ( G4 S..).  This does not overwrite the output immediately.



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Postato : 15/09/2022 7:31 pm
Ringarn67 hanno apprezzato
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Hotend cools to zero at inserted Pause code during print

Thanks for the replies, gentlemen!



Postato : 16/09/2022 8:29 pm