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First Layersettings  

Philip Puttifer
New Member
First Layersettings

First Layer problem. I am trying to adjust my first layer.

The problem is that I get no movement when rotating the knob in either direction.

Can any one help restore my first layer set up?

Postato : 14/05/2021 12:08 pm
Famed Member
RE: First Layersettings

When you say 'get no movement', no, the print head will not physically move, but the firmware will adjust the distance between the nozzle and the build plate.  Is that what you meant?

Postato : 14/05/2021 12:10 pm
Philip Puttifer
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: First Layersettings

Hi and thanks for your reply.

 I am not sure how this forum works, but glad to find someone who may help.

My problem is that since  the firmware/software update I can no longer get a correct first layer deposit.

 This is all rough but the continuing print is as it should be.

 Prior to the update all first layers were smooth and even, since the update they have all been rough and marked by lots of lines on the base of the print.

Can you help at all. Philip


Postato : 14/05/2021 12:20 pm
Philip Puttifer
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: First Layer settings


Hi I am new to this and not sure you got my reply. I cannot adjust the nozzle to bed height to set my first layer correctly.

Can you help me at all?

from Philip

Postato : 14/05/2021 12:24 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: First Layersettings

The value change is only applied when the printer is extruding filament. Print something 100x100 mm and as layer one is being laid down, make your adjustment, wait for several strokes to complete to see the result. Adjust again. When you find the setting that is giving the best result, abort the print and move on.

You also might want to read the thread "Life Z adjust my way" - long but seems to help most get better first layers.

Aps: a caveat: you need to run and finish Layer One Calibration, otherwise any adjustments to Live Z may be lost. Use layer one cal to get close, then use other techniques to fine tune the value.

Questo post è stato modificato 4 years fa 2 tempo da --
Postato : 14/05/2021 5:11 pm
Noble Member
RE: First Layersettings



this forum is the most wacked out dysfunctional forum you will ever participate in, however the people here are very helpful, and the forum functionality is the fault of Prusa, not the members, it's probably worth it to come  here for the help, and the folks here are good.


stick with it,



The Filament Whisperer

Postato : 15/05/2021 4:13 am
RE: First Layersettings


Isn't that the truth.  This forum backbone needs some work.  

The forum is very helpful to users.  Then again, the advice given is only as good as the information given to generate it.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Postato : 16/05/2021 1:06 pm
Famed Member
RE: First Layersettings
Posted by: @swiss_cheese

this forum is the most wacked out dysfunctional forum you will ever participate in

Yes, this is the absolute worst forum (software wise) that there is on the greater Internet ... except for all of the others.  (And, there are some REALLY bad ones if you look for them!)  😉

Postato : 16/05/2021 2:05 pm