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Firmware version mismatch  

Active Member
Firmware version mismatch

So, I updated my i3 MK3S printer to the newest firmware, and am having an annoying issue.

I went to the the site [ ]
Selected my printer: ORIGINAL PRUSA I3 MK3S
And what I wanted to down load: FIRMWARE 3.12.0
This gives me a compresses file:
And when I unpack it I get: prusa3d_fw_MK3S_MK3S+_3_12_0_5672.hex (note the "+" in there)
Now every time I print I get the message "G-Code sliced for a different printer type. Continue?"

Where is the MK3S hex file, not the MK3S+?

I doubt it, but is there a way to modify the hex file to correct the printer name?

Napsal : 17/01/2023 11:06 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Firmware version mismatch

These lines in the Custom Gcode, Start Gcode Notify Model, nosel size and latest firmware

M862.3 P "[printer_model]" ; printer model check

M862.1 P[nozzle_diameter] ; nozzle diameter check

M115 U3.11.0 ; tell printer latest fw version


regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Napsal : 17/01/2023 11:42 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Firmware version mismatch

Thanks. That is a option for when making new g-code (or just change the printer model in the slicer), but does not work for all the currently sliced files.

I really need a way for the printer to just be the correct printer model.

Napsal : 18/01/2023 1:52 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Firmware version mismatch

have you tried ignoring the wrong printer message?
the print should pause a while, then continue. 

If the printer has not been upgraded to a new fomat, say mk3 to mk3S+
then Mk3 gcodes should run on a mk3 machine without 'printer type' error

I have a number of printers, 
I I create gcode for my mk3, it will run on my mk3S but i do get an error message  (And Vice Versa)

sometimes people load the incorrect version of firmware when they upgrade, this can cause printer type errors to be reported. 

If you have recently updated your firmware, I would suggest you download another copy, making sure that it is for your printer type, and re load your firmware, lthen test to see if the message appears again!

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Napsal : 18/01/2023 2:01 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Firmware version mismatch

print should pause a while, then continue

did not know that, thanks.


I checked the version twice because I though the same. But it is from the file which is the download link for the ORIGINAL PRUSA I3 MK3S and the ORIGINAL PRUSA I3 MK3S+ on the page.


Thanks for the help

Napsal : 18/01/2023 11:46 pm