Filament change fail FW 3.13.2
after upgrading the firmware to 3.13.2 the manual filament change failed. I wanted to change the spool because it was empty. I paused the print and wanted to change the filament. The unloading was succsessfull, but when i tried to load the new filament, nothing was happening. The extruder stepper and the heating of the hotend was off. I tried several times to select "filament not loaded" but nothing happened. No heating, no movement of the extruder stepper. Maybe I did something wrong, but in the past (with the old firmware) it worked fine.
I worked around by releasing the idler and manualy pushing the filament into the hotend and could resume the print.
Is there maybe some bug in the Firmware, or did I somenthing wrong.
Kind regards
RE: Filament change fail FW 3.13.2
same here, no unloading afther update....
RE: Filament change fail FW 3.13.2
I have the same issue. Never had this problem before this version.
RE: Filament change fail FW 3.13.2
I downgraded to firmware version 3.12.2 and it worked fine again.
RE: Filament change fail FW 3.13.2
Hi there, same problems here on 3.13.2, all prints failed, starting on level 0, after downgrade to 3.12..2 and 1_0_6 all prints are fine.
Imho the firmware is not ready for upgrading MK3s+ and MMU2.
As the prints with 3.12.2 are fine I do not need the upgrade until I upgrade to MK4/MMU3 *scnr*
RE: Filament change fail FW 3.13.2
Does anyone know if this issue was fixed in firmware version 3.14.1? I saw "Add "load filament" if autoload is disabled" in the release notes but not sure if that change fixes this issue. Thinking about upgrading, but don't want to get stuck again...
RE: Filament change fail FW 3.13.2
Did you use the TUNE menu option to CHANGE FILAMENT? (rather than pause). This is how I change filament.. but I've never dared go beyond 3.11 with my MK3s+ 🙂
RE: Filament change fail FW 3.13.2
I go to "pause print" and then "unload filament"...
RE: Filament change fail FW 3.13.2
Well, I installed firmware 3.14.1 on my MK3S+. But then I started getting "thermal anomaly" errors where the target nozzle temperature somehow changed to 0 but the actual nozzle temperature was stuck on 220 (and the printing would just stop). From the 3.14.1 release notes, it's only compatible with MMU2S/MMU3 firmware version 3.0.3. But if you go and read the release notes for 3.0.3, it says it's not compatible with MK3S+. So I guess 3.14.1 is therefore not compatible with MK3S+ (so why make it available for MK3S+ then?). Anyway, I downgraded (again) to firmware 3.12.2 and everything is fine again... Hopefully this info will help someone else out there!