When moving the X axis via PronterFace 1mm at a time, I get a "thud" from the Y-motor every 6th mm.
When running the X motor with no belt connected, the same noise reproduces. It seems that whenever the controller board outputs a signal to X, some signal is also being sent to Y. I confirmed this by disconnecting the Y motor from the board and the symptoms went away. Then I tried swapping the X and Y motor cables. The symptom followed the Einsy board output, NOT the motor. Disconnecting E, Z, heaters, thermistors, etc had no effect. The interference is only between X -> Y and only when the Y axis is stationary. I don't not hear the symptoms when both X and Y are moving, so there seems to only be disruption in straight lines along the X axis.
How can I further diagnose the issue? I suspect a surface mount capacitor next to one of the output drivers has failed causing disruption on neighboring drivers but its been too long since my EE courses in University -  I don't know where to start.
Printer is out of warranty and I'd hate to waste a 99% function Einsy board.