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Calibration failure after nozzle change  

Active Member
Calibration failure after nozzle change

I had to change the nozzle on my Prusa MK3s, therefore slightly change the height of my PINDA (new nozzle was slightly longer). When I try to calibrate I get an error message saying Cannot calibrate, please fix the issue by consulting the manual. 

Step's I've done: 

- Heated the nozzle, changed it.
- Adjusted the Pinda with a 'zip-tie' thickness to the bed. 
- Started the Wizard, all tests are Ok.
- Z Axis moves all the way Up and ask for cleaning and removal of the sheet -> Done that.
- Then it lowers all the way down and fails directly.

What I do notice is when I select Auto Home, the  PINDA is exactly over the lower left rounded spot, however when it start calibration the bed is slightly more aft. 

I do not see any issues with ties, or cables, all movements are clear and smooth. 
Doing a first layer test, I needed to adjust live Z to -1.0 mm to get a good layer and a print seems to work Ok. 
Also did the update to the latest available firmware, but no joy.. 

Any idea's?


Napsal : 29/12/2020 9:31 pm