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bed temperature real vaue  

Eminent Member
bed temperature real vaue

So.... I stuck 2 k-type thermocouples with kapton tape on the top of the bed (with smooth steel sheet). I preheated to PETG (85°C), I waited for 10 minutes, and here are the measurements. I tried to put the thermocouples on the same spot as the mk3 thermistor 

Sorry the image is turned, apparently exif rotation is not implemented....


So we got:

  • 85°C on the MK3
  • 68°C on one Thermocouple 
  • 71°C on the other one
  • 84.4°C with the IR thermometer
  • 70.2°C on the spot of the thermocouples with the thermal camera
  • 75.5°C max on the bed with the thermal camera.

Now I'm developing serious trusting issues..... 🤔 

I guess the thermocouples showing lower temps could be explained by the fact that contact is not perfect... probably a thermal pads could help... but still...

Any thoughts? 

MK3 updated to MK3S / mainly textured steel sheet (also have a smooth one) / PLA and PETG

Veröffentlicht : 25/01/2020 12:23 am
Eminent Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: bed temperature real vaue

just a comment that might be useful for other people: 

at the beginning the IR thermometer was giving me very high readings, then I saw with the thermal camera that the nozzle IR was reflecting on the steel sheet and that was being picked as the temperature value. So for the IR and the thermal camera, I had to physically hide / block the reflections of the nozzle in the bed. . .   

MK3 updated to MK3S / mainly textured steel sheet (also have a smooth one) / PLA and PETG

Veröffentlicht : 25/01/2020 12:30 am
Illustrious Member
RE: bed temperature real vaue

Those thermocouples on cheap multimeters are trash. They are not calibrated in any reasonable way. 

Veröffentlicht : 25/01/2020 8:11 am