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Bed Preheat Error  

Dax Lures
New Member
Bed Preheat Error

A "BED PREHEAT ERROR" appeared today a few times at one printers (i3MK3). I checked everything, I reflashed the firmware but it's still there.... The printer just stops in the middle of the print and do nothing. Both heatbed and nozzle are getting warm as they should and the error appear in different level of completion (3%, 5%, 12% etc).

The same file printed OK on other printers, so it's should be something hardware related, about this printer...

Nozzle is fine, heatbed is fine, firmware upgraded.. what else?

my error



Thank you



Publié : 24/04/2019 1:13 pm
Membre Moderator
RE: Bed Preheat Error

Try a PID calibration for the hotend and the bed via USB, not from Menue.


Publié : 25/04/2019 8:54 am
Dax Lures
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Bed Preheat Error

ok, I'll try this too...


Publié : 25/04/2019 9:36 am
Estimable Member
RE: Bed Preheat Error

I am having the same problem. It appeared suddenly about 90 hours of great prints after my MK2.5S upgrade. I restarted the print several times and with the same result always on the first layer. Finally, I did a new 'heat bed' and Pindal' calibration and now working again but am not sure if this is dumb luck or I really fixed something.

I do not understand why doing the calibration via USB would make any difference unless there is something wrong with the firmware.

Publié : 01/05/2019 8:27 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Bed Preheat Error

Sorry, I mean my MK3S upgrade not my MK2.5

Publié : 01/05/2019 8:37 pm
New Member
RE: Bed Preheat Error

How do you do the PID Calibration VIA the USB? 

Publié : 29/06/2019 5:03 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Bed Preheat Error

Pronterface ... and send the appropriate gcode commands.  I don't have them offhand, maybe Knick knows them.

Publié : 29/06/2019 6:40 am
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