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Bed Level Correction and Calibrate XYZ
Does anyone know, when doing the Calibrate XYZ procedure, are the values stored in Bed Level Correction factored in?
The reason I ask, is, when doing the calibration, the nozzle just barely touches the paper on the right side but not on the left. I'm wondering if I can adjust the Bed Level Corrections numbers and see the result during the XYZ calibration.
Opublikowany : 26/06/2019 1:00 pm
RE: Bed Level Correction and Calibrate XYZ
It sounds more like a general build problem where the X-Axis is not parallel to the bed. You might want to verify the X-Axis is hitting both top stops - and both stops are level and parallel to the Y-Axis rod level.
Opublikowany : 26/06/2019 5:49 pm