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Bed Level Correction and Calibrate XYZ  

Trusted Member
Bed Level Correction and Calibrate XYZ

Does anyone know, when doing the Calibrate XYZ procedure, are the values stored in Bed Level Correction factored in?

The reason I ask, is, when doing the calibration, the nozzle just barely touches the paper on the right side but not on the left. I'm wondering if I can adjust the Bed Level Corrections numbers and see the result during the XYZ calibration.

Publié : 26/06/2019 1:00 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Bed Level Correction and Calibrate XYZ

It sounds more like a general build problem where the X-Axis is not parallel to the bed.  You might want to verify the X-Axis is hitting both top stops - and both stops are level and parallel to the Y-Axis rod level.

Publié : 26/06/2019 5:49 pm
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