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Bear Upgrade - Y Axis lenght error; lead screw  

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Bear Upgrade - Y Axis lenght error; lead screw


i did some modification on my original Prusa MK3S. I added the

Now I receive in the self test the Y Axis lenght error what I don't understand. I modified the firmware already at several places of configuration_prusa such as

  • E-Steps: at the moment it must be 400. (16 e-steps x 200 Steps)/8mm per round // basically it's same to the Z Axis: #define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT {100,400,3200/8,473}   => I adjusted als E-Axis due to BunnyScience Extruder
  • lenght correction of Y-Axis: #define Y_MAX_POS 213.9  (Pronterface actually measures: Measured axis length:213.820)
  • Directions are inverted by switching cables
  • Stallguard sensitivity I reduced (it sounded like the printer is about to explode when hitting at the ends): #define TMC2130_SG_THRS_Y 1 
  • Currents are adjusted: #define TMC2130_CURRENTS_H {16, 39, 35, 30}

Can anyone provide me some hints what i could do? Thanks in advance; below a picture of the mod.

Napsal : 21/03/2020 12:48 pm