Auto-Bed Level failing with motor stutter. X Axis has increased resistance in X+, but freely moves home in X- direction
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Auto-Bed Level failing with motor stutter. X Axis has increased resistance in X+, but freely moves home in X- direction  

Active Member
Auto-Bed Level failing with motor stutter. X Axis has increased resistance in X+, but freely moves home in X- direction

This only started today after happily printing for the last few months. The X-axis fails/stutters during auto bed leveling and ultimately pops an error. It was intermittent and I did get some prints to succeed leveling and continue to finish without issue, but then every other attempt would fail during leveling, and now it consistently fails leveling early as opposed to part-way or near the end of ABL.

I've uploaded a couple of example videos:

One shows me moving the print head with the machine powered off, the second is ABL failing.

Does the asymmetric nature of this resistance help pinpoint the issue/solution?

Posted : 07/12/2019 6:55 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Auto-Bed Level failing with motor stutter. X Axis has increased resistance in X+, but freely moves home in X- direction

If you built the printer and followed Prusa's advice to use the bearings as is; they probably have dried out and no longer have any lubricant (the oil they ship with is a preservative, not a lubricant, and it evaporates over time).

Add a few drops of light machine oil to the rods, work the axes back and forth until they move freely.   If it gets better, plan a real maintenance and plan to pull the bearings and pack them with grease.  Though, the bearings and rods are probably already damaged.

ps: the forum provides the ability to upload files for a reason. Files hosted offsite disappear and leave voids in the information flow and solutions vanish; plus, many of us refuse to follow links posted by others due to the volume of bogus trojan filled linked that are common these days.

This post was modified 5 years ago by --
Posted : 07/12/2019 7:06 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Auto-Bed Level failing with motor stutter. X Axis has increased resistance in X+, but freely moves home in X- direction

That sounds like grounds for free replacement bearings (and rods if their negligence managed to scar them up). 2 months of light use should not justify a full axis teardown to regrease bearings which should have been greased properly from the mfr.

Posted : 07/12/2019 8:10 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Auto-Bed Level failing with motor stutter. X Axis has increased resistance in X+, but freely moves home in X- direction

Open a chat session with Prusa.  Tell them what you are experiencing.  You do have a 1 year warranty, if I recall.  I'd especially explain the seizing and that a drop of oil fixed it (if that's what you found).   

Posted : 08/12/2019 2:44 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Auto-Bed Level failing with motor stutter. X Axis has increased resistance in X+, but freely moves home in X- direction


That oil application (Singer All Purpose) did alleviate the x axis sticking quite a bit. Explained it via customer service chat and sent a photo showing some gouging on the rods. They're now sending me a new set of bearings and rods.

This post was modified 5 years ago by Juan
Posted : 09/12/2019 10:13 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Auto-Bed Level failing with motor stutter. X Axis has increased resistance in X+, but freely moves home in X- direction

This time, Lube them before assembly! 😀 ...

Good luck, Joan    

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 10/12/2019 12:13 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Auto-Bed Level failing with motor stutter. X Axis has increased resistance in X+, but freely moves home in X- direction


Got the X-axis torn down, swapped the one (quite) bad rail and am about to fit all three new bearings.

I see on other posts people mentioning to "pack" the bearing with grease. Is there a guide available for that procedure or is lubing the rail like mentioned in the maintenance guide ( ) sufficient?

Also, does it make any difference to offset the orientation of the top two bearings similar to what's done on the Z-axis? The printed guide only stressed orientation on Z and Y, and as best I can find never mentions needing to do it on X.

Posted : 14/12/2019 4:34 pm
Noble Member
RE: Auto-Bed Level failing with motor stutter. X Axis has increased resistance in X+, but freely moves home in X- direction

The bearings have grease seals. Lubing the rails just gives them a bit of work, pushing the grease to the sides. Does not do much for lubing the bearings. Thingiverse has a nice grease injector cap to go on a Superlube tube. It is what I use.

If nothing else, push grease inside the bearing before you install it.

Posted : 14/12/2019 8:54 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Auto-Bed Level failing with motor stutter. X Axis has increased resistance in X+, but freely moves home in X- direction

Hi Juan, 

the orientation of the bearings is important but difficult to see once the bearings are lubed, 

I mark the outside of the housing, before I pack the bearings, so alignment is easier afterwards. 

see the assembly instructions for alignment!... ignore the bit about bearings being factory lubed...


I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 15/12/2019 2:32 pm
Noble Member
RE: Auto-Bed Level failing with motor stutter. X Axis has increased resistance in X+, but freely moves home in X- direction

(I pick up a lot of pointers from Joan's posts. From now on - I will mark my bearings.)

Posted : 15/12/2019 6:26 pm