After print failure (extended power loss), how to get the z-height?
I had a 11hr print fail ~20 minutes from completion last night when the power went out for over 4 hours. The print is still on the print bed and the print head has moved all the way to the right but seems to be still at the z-height of the failed layer. Is there any way to get the printer to tell me what the current z-height is? I'm sure I can't restart the print but would like to know where the print failed. I could use this information to print just the remaining portion and glue it together or something.
Perhaps there's a log file or something where I can get this information?
I tried going through the printer's interface but it doesn't report the current z-height anywhere I can find.
can you measure the actual model height with a vernier calliper?
regards Joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
Merlin/firmware stat vs rough measurement with calipers...
Hi JoanTabb,
You bet... can certainly measure the printed object... I'm asking if there's a way to get the printer (or OctoPrint I suppose as well) to tell me where it failed?
I see in the printer's menu that it has Failed Print metrics but only tells me the number of failures and whether they were filament runouts or power failures, crashes, etc. Would be nice to see a list of failed prints and information on where the failure occurred.
If the printer doesn't store that information, I'll just have to eyeball the layer using a caliper measurement.
Thanks for replying and anyone else that might have information on OctoPrint too as I was running that when this print failed.