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Accident when removing a blob from my nozzle  

New Member
Accident when removing a blob from my nozzle

When i took a blob out off my nozzle, i accidently rip the the white protection on one of the wire. It doesnt show MinTemps or PreHeat error. What should i do to repare it ?

Postato : 16/10/2020 4:47 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Accident when removing a blob from my nozzle

The fiberglass insulation can only be replaced by removing the entire assembly.  Best to just rig the wires up out of the way so they can't touch anything or each other. Perhaps a dab of high temp silicone RTV to repair the tear.  But don't flex the wires too much or they will break.

Postato : 16/10/2020 6:51 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Accident when removing a blob from my nozzle
Posted by: @aurino

When i took a blob out off my nozzle, i accidently rip the the white protection on one of the wire. It doesnt show MinTemps or PreHeat error. What should i do to repare it ?

You can bend the thermistor cable carefully so that no short circuit can occur. To be on the safe side I would keep a replacement in stock.

Prusa eshop or and further suppliers...

(Semitec 104GT)

Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Postato : 16/10/2020 8:21 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Accident when removing a blob from my nozzle

Be careful with the thermistor part number - there are many versions of a 104GT ...  and you probably want the one inside a metal tube, not the glass only version.

For example, these two parts have vastly different profiles...

Resistance-Temperature Tables (Unit kΩ)
Temp (℃) 104NT-4-R025H42G 104NT-4-R025H43G
-50                  8,887.000                10,090.000
-30                  2,156.000                  2,353.000
-10                     623.200                     657.000
0                     354.600                     368.100
10                     208.800                     213.500
25                     100.000                     100.000
40                        50.900                        49.900
50                        33.450                        32.420
60                        22.480                        21.540
80                        10.800                        10.130
85                          9.094                          8.486
100                          5.569                          5.122
120                          3.058                          2.763
140                          1.770                          1.574
160                          1.074                          0.941
180                          0.679                          0.587
200                          0.445                          0.380
220                          0.302                          0.255
240                          0.210                          0.176
260                          0.151                          0.125
280                          0.111                          0.091
300                          0.083                          0.068
Questo post è stato modificato 4 years fa 2 tempo da --
Postato : 16/10/2020 8:32 pm