1st Layer Issues need help!!!
I am having some first layer issues with my prusa Mk3s printer. It randomly started printing the first layer uneven. I am using Prusa PLA, along with recommend bed temp and nozzle temp. I did the first layer test and everything looked okay. However, when I try to start a print, it doesn't seem to print properly. Ill attach an example picture below. Also, my filament keeps wanting to stick to my nozzle. Any tips? Thanks in advance.
RE: 1st Layer Issues need help!!!
From the photo I'd say your nozzle is way too low. If you're using the inbuilt first layer calibration, ditch it for something like https://www.printables.com/model/105404
If it started recently, I'd check the PINDA holder and give the screw a bit more of a turn to make sure it's not loose.
Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...
RE: 1st Layer Issues need help!!!
Thank you very much for the direction!
RE: 1st Layer Issues need help!!!
I am still having the same issues with the printer. Ill provide a little more context to see if it helps.
1.) I always clean the bed with dawn dish soap/hot water and finally dry it with a paper towel and one final clean with 70% IPA.
2.) I currently have a 7x7 calibration setup on the printer.
3.) My temp for first layer is 215/70 and 210/60 for every other layer. I also use Prusament PLA.
4.) I use a .4mm brass nozzle. I have also had to replace Teflon tube, Hotend, and also the heatbed thermistor.
5. ) I will have screenshots of my settings attached.
It prints and adhere the perimeters vey well, however it starts having the issues when the infill in being printed. after a few passes, the filamant starts to lift up and the of seems that the nozzle is dragging against the filament which I am confused by. Anymore tips?
RE: 1st Layer Issues need help!!!
Factory reset calabration settings and go through it again 7*7 calabration insure pinda probe holder is tight then when you reckon it's ok share a photo and we will give advice from there
Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out https://www.printables.com/@Hello_474427/models