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Zero adhesion with PLA  

Trusted Member
Zero adhesion with PLA

Hello, I have done dozens of prints on the smooth sheet without any issues. Now I wanted to use the powder coated one with the structure. But my prints have almost no adhesion. I looked up some other posts but nothing seems to work. I cleaned the sheet with soap and alcohol. Lowered the Z axis, changed temperature of the bed (tryed 50 to 70°C), changed the speed and cooling and the hotendtemperature. But I just cannot get it to stick. I am printing PLA. The first few layers work. But at some point it starts warping all over. Is the structured steel sheet made for PLA? Any more tips?


Best regards

"Man who says it cannot be done should not interrupt man doing it" -Confucius

Postato : 07/02/2020 6:33 pm
Active Member
RE: Zero adhesion with PLA

I've had the same experience. I was finally able to get it to work with PETG by lowering the nozzle until it was almost scraping the sheet, but so far PLA just won't stick to it, or if it does it starts lifting on the corners. I've even tried adding a brim to parts that shouldn't need one just to hold the corners down.

Prusa MK3S/MMU2S
Prusa SL1/CW1

Postato : 07/02/2020 6:36 pm
Noble Member
RE: Zero adhesion with PLA

Well don't clean the sheet with soap and alchohol...

Scrub the sheet with unscented dish detergent and copious hot water. Dry with a clean paper towel. Use no IPA for now (yours is suspect).

Don't just lower Z. Do it correctly. Read and follow this:

Don't use the built-calibration object. Use a decent 2" or so circle, and adjust Z while it is printing.

If you have firmware 3.80 or above, make sure you tell it which sheet you are doing. Always. Textured is thinner than the smooth.

Take a picture of your calibration circle here and let us comment.

And the textured sheet does improve over time with use...

Postato : 07/02/2020 8:17 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Zero adhesion with PLA
Posted by: @tech

Hello, I have done dozens of prints on the smooth sheet without any issues. Now I wanted to use the powder coated one with the structure. But my prints have almost no adhesion. I looked up some other posts but nothing seems to work. I cleaned the sheet with soap and alcohol. Lowered the Z axis, changed temperature of the bed (tryed 50 to 70°C), changed the speed and cooling and the hotendtemperature. But I just cannot get it to stick. I am printing PLA. The first few layers work. But at some point it starts warping all over. Is the structured steel sheet made for PLA? Any more tips?


Best regards

How much lower is your Z height? The difference between the smooth and textured bed is more than 0.3mm which is huge.

How much lower are you going?

Questo post è stato modificato 5 years fa da jweaver
Postato : 07/02/2020 8:33 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Zero adhesion with PLA

@chrisbloom7: thanks for the info. Shame it doesn't work as well as the other one. I hope Prusa is working on an update.

@robert-rmm200: thanks for the details. I will try and post the results soon.

@jweaver: it was around -0.8 for the smooth one and about -1.5 for the structured one.

I also thought of using 3DLack. Has anyone tried it with the structured sheet?


"Man who says it cannot be done should not interrupt man doing it" -Confucius

Postato : 08/02/2020 9:07 am
Honorable Member
RE: Zero adhesion with PLA


I still use UHU glu stick for PLA. Works well.

Life is keeping interested and excited by knowledge and new things.

Postato : 10/03/2020 12:40 am