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Yet another PINDA process question 🙂  

Active Member
Yet another PINDA process question 🙂


I am somewhat new to Prusa and MK3. Overall I enjoy my new 3D printer, and the small bits and pieces of the required knowledge are coming together thanks to this gr8 forum.

I have been thinking about PINDA temperature calibration and wondered - can I simply perform auto Z calibration before the bed and nozzle heatup?
Will this eliminate the first layer calibration issues? (assuming room temperature is somewhat constant...)

I believe that the PINDA simply store initial initial values and not constantly monitoring the nozzle level. Is this correct?


Opublikowany : 14/05/2018 5:06 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Yet another PINDA process question 🙂

Yes and no:

Yes, if your room is 100% constant and if you want to always cool your Pinda and printer down to ambient between prints (takes half an hour)

No, if you consider that all parts of the printer react to heat: they enlarge and deform. Especially the heatbed and the extruder assembly.
So the mesh that you measure cold is not correct for the warm printer.

So I recommend - as always - do perform my manual print based temperature calibration: it takes an evening time - and then you NEVER have to even think about the words: temperature, Pinda and live adjust Z again 😆 For real - it works so good for me

Opublikowany : 14/05/2018 9:47 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Yet another PINDA process question 🙂

Thank you for your reply. I just read the entire thread, great work!
I will indeed do that... Exactly what I was looking for... 😛 😛 😛

Opublikowany : 15/05/2018 9:49 am