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Y-axis issues (x-axis length??)  

New Member
Y-axis issues (x-axis length??)

I've been having trouble with my MK3S since I assembled it. At first I couldnt get the initial calibration to work because I was getting "X-axis length" issues. After a factory reset it worked for a while then it seemed to lose track of where the Y-axis was. Prints would still work but they'd be to far forward/backward on the bed. After some more factory resets and calibrations the problem went away again. Sometimes it takes a few factory resets and re-calibrations to get it working again. I'm on my 3rd reset cycle so I've pretty solidly confirmed at this point that it isnt a fluke.When this happens one of my symptoms is I can turn the printer on and try to manually move the y-axis with the settings/knob but it will stop short in one direction and try to go too far in the other.


Publié : 13/12/2019 10:36 pm
Noble Member
RE: Y-axis issues (x-axis length??)

Power your machine off and move X and Y by hand in both directions.

If you find a direction that "binds" - you have a bearing problem.

Either you did not lubricate your bearings or you installed them too tightly. Those U clamps are especially prone to this.

Also look for and zip ties or cables getting hit during traversal. That will cause similar problems.

Publié : 14/12/2019 4:04 am
Active Member
RE: Y-axis issues (x-axis length??)


We had a similar problem. The fix was to move the two linear bearings for the smooth rods on the y-axis plate as close together as possible. 

After 3 days of successful (and beautiful) prints, we started getting y-axis errors. After a 12 hour chat session with customer service we "fixed" the problem after going all the specs on the printer. It was a good learning experience and a real PIA.

The fix was caused by one of two different issues. 1) we removed the heating bed and loosened the u-bolts on the dual linear axis side of the y-axis frame. I then moved the y-axis by hand to the extremes, which pushed the two linear bearing as close together in the frame cutouts as possible. I then tightened the u-bolts securing the bearings. 2) We also noticed that the thermister wire (black wire) had moved to the outside of the little risers that lift the heated bed off the y-axis frame. We ensured the wire ran inside the riser. This latter point probably is not ususal.

After re-assembly the y-length error was gone. 

The point, as told to us by customer service, is that the linear bearings provide the stops for either end of the y-axis travel. If they shift (which is possible after 3 days of printing), the new position can cause a y-axis length error.

Newbie here (1 week printing experience), but this worked.

Good luck!



Ce message a été modifié il y a 5 years par rmfarber
Publié : 08/01/2020 3:45 am
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