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Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet  

Stránka 13 / 88
Estimable Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

From the spreadsheet, if filtered for only delivered USA orders, it seems to be 5 days average from shipped to delivered status. The standard deviation is high though, 3 days.

Napsal : 21/12/2017 2:51 pm
Active Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

I am communicating with Prusa support again and they referred me to this new schedule (Updated: December 20, 2017) which says assembled printers won't ship until January 8th.

I am so disappointed. I was told, more than once, flat out by customer assistance in chats that my assembled printer would ship a few days after other kit orders with similar order reference numbers. "It takes time to assemble and test…"
I guess I should have known better than to believe what I was being told, because now that I think back there was a similar problem when I ordered my assembled MK2. I kept being told it will ship soon…it will ship soon. But somehow weeks passed.

I am simply amazed that no one at Prusa was able to either know that there would be such a long delay (nearly 4 weeks) or wasn't willing to share with their customer support people what was actually going on. There is no way someone at Prusa didn't know what was going on with the assembly schedule two days ago. I'm not saying the customer support people knew the true situation because they only know what they are being told (and I feel I am being generous to say that).

I understand companies having problems, but I don't like being lied to. Someone made the decision to have customer support lie to me and that makes me very unhappy. And I don't use the word "lie" lightly or carelessly. I guess one gets to know a person or a company by experiences like this.

I understand prioritizing shipping kits over assembled printers, but just be honest about it. Inform me about how it is progressing or changing in an email. Don't make me have to go every day and dig up the information myself.
I love my Prusa MK2. I have enjoyed printing with it immensely. I am just so disappointed with the process I am experiencing.

I am really not sure what to do now, if anything. I know it isn't a good idea to make decisions when I am so unhappy. What luck! Waiting a day or two to decide won't make any difference!

I'm right there with you. Very disappointed with these delays. I am really hoping that these issues people are reporting are fixed when I receive my assembled printer (Power supply clicking, vibrations causing something in PSU to rattle, belts rubbing).

I know the prusa team is busy, but I think a weekly update on the shipping schedule would be great.

Napsal : 21/12/2017 2:59 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

I am communicating with Prusa support again and they referred me to this new schedule (Updated: December 20, 2017) which says assembled printers won't ship until January 8th.

I am so disappointed. I was told, more than once, flat out by customer assistance in chats that my assembled printer would ship a few days after other kit orders with similar order reference numbers. "It takes time to assemble and test…"
I guess I should have known better than to believe what I was being told, because now that I think back there was a similar problem when I ordered my assembled MK2. I kept being told it will ship soon…it will ship soon. But somehow weeks passed.

I am simply amazed that no one at Prusa was able to either know that there would be such a long delay (nearly 4 weeks) or wasn't willing to share with their customer support people what was actually going on. There is no way someone at Prusa didn't know what was going on with the assembly schedule two days ago. I'm not saying the customer support people knew the true situation because they only know what they are being told (and I feel I am being generous to say that).

I understand companies having problems, but I don't like being lied to. Someone made the decision to have customer support lie to me and that makes me very unhappy. And I don't use the word "lie" lightly or carelessly. I guess one gets to know a person or a company by experiences like this.

I understand prioritizing shipping kits over assembled printers, but just be honest about it. Inform me about how it is progressing or changing in an email. Don't make me have to go every day and dig up the information myself.
I love my Prusa MK2. I have enjoyed printing with it immensely. I am just so disappointed with the process I am experiencing.

I am really not sure what to do now, if anything. I know it isn't a good idea to make decisions when I am so unhappy. What luck! Waiting a day or two to decide won't make any difference!

I'm right there with you. Very disappointed with these delays. I am really hoping that these issues people are reporting are fixed when I receive my assembled printer (Power supply clicking, vibrations causing something in PSU to rattle, belts rubbing).

I know the prusa team is busy, but I think a weekly update on the shipping schedule would be great.

Overnight I had to laugh at myself.
I realized I was buying the January 8th date as if that really meant something.
How stupid can one guy be? (meaning me)
There is nothing to say that when January 8th arrives there won't be a new story of an additional delay.
And, of course, it's possible suddenly there will be some assembled MK3s shipped out of the blue.

It doesn't matter if they are busy or not. Honesty matters. Or I thought it mattered. Why did I ever think that? Did I read it somewhere?
No use trying to change human nature.

And on the bright side, I have never been cheated by Prusa, just lied to.

Napsal : 21/12/2017 3:23 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Strange, it is as if when PR said "We will begin shipping at X date. The schedule may change. We're doing things as fast as we can." people only heard what they wanted to hear, like "You will definitely get your order by christmas/your birthday/whatever other arbitrary date you've decided on".

Napsal : 21/12/2017 3:56 pm
Paul Meyer
Honorable Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

It doesn't matter if they are busy or not. Honesty matters.
And on the bright side, I have never been cheated by Prusa, just lied to.

If Prusa knows your printer won't ship and is telling you it will, that is a lie.

If Prusa thinks your printer will ship on that date, and tells you that is their target date but there is uncertainty, I fail to see how that is a lie.

There is a difference between saying something that turns out later to be untrue and lying. Impatience waiting for your new printer is not a good excuse to accuse them of lying unless you have some data to back it up that you aren't sharing.

Napsal : 21/12/2017 4:02 pm
New Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Has anyone else had a hang in UPS tracking? Mine's heading to the US(Alabama) and this has been what my UPS tracking has looked like for the last day and a half.

Two days ago the estimated delivery was by COB today(12/21) but that's pretty optimistic if it's sitting in Germany currently.

Koeln, Germany 12/20/2017 5:01 A.M. The package will be forwarded to a UPS facility in the destination city.
Koeln, Germany 12/19/2017 6:00 A.M. Departure Scan
Prague, Czechia 12/18/2017 5:06 P.M. Export Scan
12/18/2017 3:18 P.M. Your package is being processed at the clearance agency. / Your package was released by the clearing agency.
Prague, Czechia 12/15/2017 10:58 P.M. Export Scan
12/15/2017 10:58 P.M. Origin Scan
12/15/2017 7:03 P.M. Your package is being processed at the clearance agency.
Prague, Czechia 12/15/2017 5:15 P.M. Pickup Scan
Czechia 12/13/2017 9:21 A.M. (ET) Order Processed: Ready for UPS

Napsal : 21/12/2017 5:46 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

It doesn't matter if they are busy or not. Honesty matters.
And on the bright side, I have never been cheated by Prusa, just lied to.

If Prusa knows your printer won't ship and is telling you it will, that is a lie.

If Prusa thinks your printer will ship on that date, and tells you that is their target date but there is uncertainty, I fail to see how that is a lie.

There is a difference between saying something that turns out later to be untrue and lying. Impatience waiting for your new printer is not a good excuse to accuse them of lying unless you have some data to back it up that you aren't sharing.

Yes, I understand the difference between expressed uncertainty and broken promises. I understand the difference between targets and promises. And for you to toss in impatience is simply condescending.

I was told a couple days ago it would ship in a couple days. There was nothing about uncertainty. It was simply not true.
I was told that both kits and assembled printer orders were being processed by number which turned out to not be true.
I understand completely that there has been ongoing shipping variability anticipated because of possible problems with parts or quantity of orders. If you bothered to read what my experience was you wouldn't try to set up a straw man argument like that.
I have shared my "data" to support what I am saying. If you don't believe me, fine, you don't have to believe me. I never expected that I should have to take screen shots of my chat with Prusa support to prove anything later on. If you demand Prusa to hold a press conference and come out and say to one and all, "I lied." then you are letting him off the hook and there is no way to satisfy you.
Pointing out the obvious difference between lies and impatience is just an attempt to excuse the inexcusable.
I just don't like learning I have been lied to. And I don't see any reason to not be public about my experiences.

I have time. I have money. I can wait. I can pay. I already have an MK2 which is working beautifully, so I am able to carry on without an MK3. Time and money, patience and impatience are not the questions.
Honesty is the point here. I was not told there is a "target date". I was told when it would ship. That it takes a few days longer to assemble and test. Just be patient for a few days, I was told. And then magically this new schedule shows up which is nowhere near to what I was told.
I am not angry or impatient or any number of other things. I am temporarily sad. I don't expect any respect or consideration for being a customer. I am just unhappy…partly because I love the printers Prusa makes. Why would he spoil such a great product experience by mishandling orders this way?

I don't have to prove anything to anyone. I have my story of my experiences and am sharing it. My conclusions are my own. I am not arguing with anyone. You are free to draw your own conclusions however suits you. But trying to rewrite my story to suit you won't work.

Napsal : 21/12/2017 6:11 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

Has anyone else had a hang in UPS tracking? Mine's heading to the US(Alabama) and this has been what my UPS tracking has looked like for the last day and a half.

Yeah, mine's just been sitting in the "clearance agency" apparently. That's strange, since it looked like yours was only there for like 3 hours. Mines been there for at least 24.

12/20/2017 1:15 P.M. Your package is being processed at the clearance agency.
Czechia 12/20/2017 4:07 A.M. (ET) Order Processed: Ready for UPS

Napsal : 21/12/2017 7:03 pm
Paul Meyer
Honorable Member
Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

It doesn't matter if they are busy or not. Honesty matters.
And on the bright side, I have never been cheated by Prusa, just lied to.


Yes, I understand the difference between expressed uncertainty and broken promises. I understand the difference between targets and promises. And for you to toss in impatience is simply condescending....

I think it comes down to semantics. I am not denying any of your facts. They can be explained in two ways:

  • sloppiness, unprofessionalism, over-optimism, "life happens", internal miscommunication at Prusa

  • Prusa lying to you (intentionally deceiving you for some reason)
  • You favor the second explanation. I believe the first is more likely. You could be right, but I haven't seen any reason to believe that Prusa is lying, simply that they are overwhelmed and doing the best they can. Could they do better? Sure. Should they? Probably. But you could be right, they might have lied to you. Unclear on their motivation to do so, but who am I to say. I think it would be difficult to prove one way or the other whether they believed their communications with you to be true at the time they occurred.

    Napsal : 21/12/2017 8:28 pm
    Active Member
    Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

    Has anyone else had a hang in UPS tracking? Mine's heading to the US(Alabama) and this has been what my UPS tracking has looked like for the last day and a half.

    Yeah, mine's just been sitting in the "clearance agency" apparently. That's strange, since it looked like yours was only there for like 3 hours. Mines been there for at least 24.

    12/20/2017 1:15 P.M. Your package is being processed at the clearance agency.
    Czechia 12/20/2017 4:07 A.M. (ET) Order Processed: Ready for UPS

    Haha ya my estimated delivery date is today(12/21) and it's been stuck in Kentucky on an import scan for 24 hours... It's gotta go to Utah... Haha gotta love shipping in the holidays 😅😀

    Napsal : 21/12/2017 8:37 pm
    Estimable Member
    Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

    Haha ya my estimated delivery date is today(12/21) and it's been stuck in Kentucky on an import scan for 24 hours... It's gotta go to Utah... Haha gotta love shipping in the holidays 😅😀

    Not to rain on your parade, but UPS is way overwhelmed right now. My printer arrived in Kentucky on 12/19. Originally it was to be delivered 12/19. Then the printer moved to Atlanta and was "out for delivery" on the 19th. I figured that was not true, but hoped. Late night on the 19 they finally changed the scheduled delivery to 12/20. All day no updates. About midnight 12/20 UPS changed the delivery date to 12/21, still with no updates. Today I get up (I work nights) and there were no updates on the UPS site. Go to take the doggies out and there it is on the front porch.

    Seems UPS is having a hard time getting everything on their trucks. I am picturing the final transfer warehouse overflowing with packages that simply will not fit no the trucks they have at their disposal. Piss poor planning on UPS' part. Not like they don't know its coming. HEY UPS, Christmas 2018, 2019 and so on is coming, plenty of time to get ready!

    Napsal : 21/12/2017 8:52 pm
    Trusted Member
    Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

    We bumped the shipping on MK3 orders too. Seems like Express (not Express saver or expedited) gets thru fastest and they prioritise them 🙂

    Maybe it's an EU vs rest of world thing then ? Mine got shipped today on the Express Saver service and is showing for delivery tomorrow to the UK 🙂

    Napsal : 21/12/2017 11:19 pm
    Peter L
    Honorable Member
    Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

    I just noticed that the official shipping schedule was updated yesterday (Dec. 20). The estimated shipping for my order--placed November 11--has been moved up a week. Woo!

    Napsal : 22/12/2017 2:51 am
    Eminent Member
    Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

    I'd like to know why the prusa shipping schedule hasn't added week 50 and 51, I ordered a kit in week 50 and would just like to know their general target for when they'll ship it. I'm presuming it will be Feb 12th but I'd like the shipping schedule to be updated as there not point me going to chat support when I have 2 months of waiting left 😆

    Napsal : 22/12/2017 4:03 am
    Christopher Tilley
    Trusted Member
    Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

    I noticed the filaments I added to my order are out of stock. Do you think this will delay my shipment?

    I don’t want to bug support, but it would drive me insane knowing my printer hasn’t shipped because of some stupid filament.

    Napsal : 22/12/2017 4:22 am
    Eminent Member
    Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

    I noticed the filaments I added to my order are out of stock. Do you think this will delay my shipment?

    I don’t want to bug support, but it would drive me insane knowing my printer hasn’t shipped because of some stupid filament.

    The support has mentioned to me that they have reserved filaments for the outgoing orders beforehand. So, most likely, if the filaments were available during the time when you placed your order, also the filaments got reserved for you. I think someone else also mentioned on the forum threads about this a few weeks earlier.

    Napsal : 22/12/2017 5:15 am
    Eminent Member
    Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet


    Yes, I understand the difference between expressed uncertainty and broken promises. I understand the difference between targets and promises. And for you to toss in impatience is simply condescending....

    I think it comes down to semantics. I am not denying any of your facts. They can be explained in two ways:

  • sloppiness, unprofessionalism, over-optimism, "life happens", internal miscommunication at Prusa

  • Prusa lying to you (intentionally deceiving you for some reason)
  • You favor the second explanation. I believe the first is more likely. You could be right, but I haven't seen any reason to believe that Prusa is lying, simply that they are overwhelmed and doing the best they can. Could they do better? Sure. Should they? Probably. But you could be right, they might have lied to you. Unclear on their motivation to do so, but who am I to say. I think it would be difficult to prove one way or the other whether they believed their communications with you to be true at the time they occurred.

    Not simply semantics. When I was chatting with Prusa support I was asked for my order number, which I gave. The fellow said he would check on my order status. He was gone some while, came back and told me it would be done in a few days.
    That was patently untrue. Nothing then or now is being assembled.
    Of course they are trying to handle this avalanche of orders as best as they can. And part of the handling is to lie sometimes.
    Trying to wave away the seriousness of what occurred by introducing the need for a motive is just smoke. Personally I can come up with a clear motive with no trouble at all, but I prefer to stick to describing what actually happened and not to conjecture about that.
    And this isn't the first time this has happened with orders on assembled printers at Prusa. A very similar thing happened when I ordered my MK2. So it isn't a one-off event.
    This isn't a jury trial. No one is being convicted. I am simply trying to let other people be aware of what happened to me so they won't be as surprised if it happens to them.

    Napsal : 22/12/2017 6:12 am
    Estimable Member
    Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

    I noticed the filaments I added to my order are out of stock. Do you think this will delay my shipment?

    I don’t want to bug support, but it would drive me insane knowing my printer hasn’t shipped because of some stupid filament.

    The support has mentioned to me that they have reserved filaments for the outgoing orders beforehand. So, most likely, if the filaments were available during the time when you placed your order, also the filaments got reserved for you. I think someone else also mentioned on the forum threads about this a few weeks earlier.

    I can confirm this.
    I ordered 2 rolls of filament with the printer (both in stock) and when the time came to my order, they were out of stock. I contacted the very helpful online chat and they confirmed that the filament was reserved for me, shortly afterwards the package was shipped.

    Napsal : 22/12/2017 7:39 am
    Trusted Member
    Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

    We bumped the shipping on MK3 orders too. Seems like Express (not Express saver or expedited) gets thru fastest and they prioritise them 🙂

    Maybe it's an EU vs rest of world thing then ? Mine got shipped today on the Express Saver service and is showing for delivery tomorrow to the UK 🙂

    And arrived just now.

    For Europe\UK anyway, don't be afraid of the Express Saver peeps 😀

    Napsal : 22/12/2017 10:56 am
    Active Member
    Re: Ship Date Tracking Spreadsheet

    We bumped the shipping on MK3 orders too. Seems like Express (not Express saver or expedited) gets thru fastest and they prioritise them 🙂

    Maybe it's an EU vs rest of world thing then ? Mine got shipped today on the Express Saver service and is showing for delivery tomorrow to the UK 🙂

    And arrived just now.

    For Europe\UK anyway, don't be afraid of the Express Saver peeps 😀

    I'm still hoping but its not looking good - got tracking on 21st to say label created awaiting UPS but nothing since then 🙁

    Napsal : 22/12/2017 3:03 pm
    Stránka 13 / 88