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Nozzle temperature is not controlled.  

New Member
Nozzle temperature is not controlled.

I am an MK3S user and have been using this model for over four years.

I am currently experiencing a type of trouble that I have never encountered before.

During printing, the nozzle temperature displayed on the LCD matches the set value, but in reality, the temperature is abnormally high.

The filament extruded from the nozzle has low viscosity, smoke is generated, and there is a continuous popping sound.

If anyone has experienced a similar phenomenon and managed to identify and resolve the cause, could you please share your knowledge?

Note that the heat block was completely replaced this year and it was functioning normally until yesterday.

Opublikowany : 02/06/2024 4:19 am
Reputable Member

seems your thermistor is malfunctioning. 
The wires are not broken (then you would have a 0 degrees temp)
To be sure about where the error is (in the thermistor or in the board), you could disconnect the thermistor.
And if you get a zero degrees message, then chances are high the thermistor disfunctions. 
if this does not make a change, then I would search on the PCB-side. 

We will do what we have always done. We will find hope in the impossible.

Opublikowany : 02/06/2024 9:42 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Nozzle temperature is not controlled.

Thank you for your response.

I had never experienced any failure modes of thermistors other than disconnection, and since the thermistor was recently replaced, I was a bit confused. However, since there has been a significant drift in the temperature readings, I will replace the thermistor and monitor the situation.

Opublikowany : 03/06/2024 4:28 pm