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Mk52 Heatbed Thermal Image?  

Estimable Member
Mk52 Heatbed Thermal Image?

Is there a Thermal Heatbed image floating around for the Mk52?

Might it be the same as the Mk42 - maybe just different voltage??

-- Clint Goss

Postato : 27/04/2018 10:57 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Mk52 Heatbed Thermal Image?

As I have a MK52 heated bed and a thermal imaging camera, I've taken photos at 60ºC and 100ºC



Heat distribution is not perfectly even, but it doesn't look too bad. The cold spots are where the magnets sit.
I also know the alignment of the thermal vs optical overlay is not perfect, but it shows whats hot and whats not 😀

Postato : 06/05/2018 4:48 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Mk52 Heatbed Thermal Image?

This is great ... Thank You!

I have had problems with one corner of a print curling on a MK2, and then found the Mk42 thermal image - the corner was right over a cold spot. Now printing on a MK3 and want to similarly avoid the issues ... so this is a big help!

I like the Sp1, Sp2, Sp3 spot temperatures ... Nice!

-- Clint Goss

Postato : 06/05/2018 5:14 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Mk52 Heatbed Thermal Image?

These images are without a steel sheet attached. When a steel sheet is added, it should spread out the heat more evenly towards the perimeters of the bed. I would also recommend manually switching on the heat bed from the Settings -> Temperature menu and allow the bed to get to target temperature a few minutes before starting the print job. That way, any large print will have its first layer deposited on an evenly pre-heated bed.

Postato : 06/05/2018 5:24 pm