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[Zamknięte] mk3s broken in 1st week 🙁  

Strona 1 / 2
Trusted Member
mk3s broken in 1st week 🙁

after loads of hassle and lies from prusa in dispatching my printer it is now broken after only 3 prints, is this a common thing to expect ? i ordered the spare parts and 3 days later still sitting without being dispatched, is that normal ? spoke to prusa chat who were not very helpful and said they ship when they ship which i dont think is very nice after paying that much for a printer and a week later having to spend on spare parts. because of the non support i have decided to send the printer back for a refund because its no good to me if its going to keep breaking and having to wait ages for parts, is it right that they should charge shipping for faulty goods supplied ? and they will take the costs of the broken pieces off also ?

i asked to speak to a manager but was refused, is that the way they treat their customers usually ?

Opublikowany : 11/02/2020 6:01 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: mk3s broken in 1st week 🙁

can anyone recommend a printer better than prusa ? or at least better customer handling 

Opublikowany : 11/02/2020 6:20 pm
RE: mk3s broken in 1st week 🙁

Perhaps you could elaborate on what part(s) you think were faulty and why. Define "broken"...

Did you buy a kit or a preassembled printer? 

A significant chunk of "printer problems" for new users are user error - and looking at your post history here, you do indeed appear to be a new user with no prior 3d printing experience.

People here are happy to help you fix it if you elaborate, and I can't speak for your experience, but support has always been helpful for me when I've been trying to troubleshoot printer issues. 

You're also off on the wrong foot by having purchased replacement parts; should have talked to support first, as:

a) warranty parts seem to get sent out pretty fast regardless of regular store backlog

b) you spent money you didn't have to

c) No, I doubt the will refund you for the parts/shipping you purchased, as you didn't seem to have let them know you were having issues. If that's true, it's on you and your wallet, I don't see how PR is obligated to foot the bill for that (though they might do that as a courtesy if you talk to chat and politely explain the situation)

Opublikowany : 11/02/2020 6:45 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: mk3s broken in 1st week 🙁


i did tell them what happened they tried to tell me the nozzle was blocking because of the tension on the screw but it was adjusted like they told me to, i am not totally new i had an ender 3 pro before which i had no problem with, they have cancelled all my orders including the mini prusa, the attitude was bad towards getting the parts sent out and i had grief from the start with them lying about delivery twice to me, i asked to speak to a manager and got told quite bluntly no 

Opublikowany : 11/02/2020 6:49 pm
Noble Member
RE: mk3s broken in 1st week 🙁

You are talking to a community of other users.

No one here can help you get satisfaction; that is between you and Prusa.

If you are looking for help - we can help. If you are just looking to rant - may I recommend Reddit.

Opublikowany : 11/02/2020 8:34 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: mk3s broken in 1st week 🙁


i wasn't looking to rant i asked simple questions regarding prusa and their customer support etc , anyways ive made my own mind up about them after the way they treated me and left me with a broken £700 printer after only 2 weeks and cancelled my orders for other items, i will be making a youtube video soon for everyone to see how i was treated, i have all the conversations i have had with all their lies and how they left me in the lurch with a screwed up printer and cancelled my order for the replacement parts i ordered to fix it. if thats good customer support then i can do without that, there is plenty printers out there, hopefully after they see my video online it may make them think twice about the way they treat new customers 🙂

Opublikowany : 11/02/2020 8:41 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: mk3s broken in 1st week 🙁

all they had to do was say sorry and we will get your parts despatched asap 🙂 thats all i asked for 

Opublikowany : 11/02/2020 8:43 pm
Noble Member
RE: mk3s broken in 1st week 🙁

If you talked to Prusa the way you present yourself here - I see the problem. 

Your attitude is not conducive to getting help - and Prusa Support does not lie.

They give the best answers they can, and they may not satisfy all people. They do satisfy most.

You have yet to tell us specifically what machine did you get, kit or pre-built, and what specific problem did you have.

Opublikowany : 11/02/2020 9:13 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: mk3s broken in 1st week 🙁


sorry but you are wrong i know they lied to me, they told me twice my printer was getting dispatched the following day but it never, it was 3 weeks later before they sent it out and that was only because i told them to cancel it, all will be proven soon enough, obviously everyone on here is going to think its me but i can assure you it wasn't me and after having a look through their reviews i can safely say it defiantly wasn't me because so many other people have had the same experience.

Opublikowany : 11/02/2020 9:21 pm
Noble Member
RE: mk3s broken in 1st week 🙁

You act like you think the support person you talked to actually controls shipping. All they can give you is their best guess based on what the computer tells them. And mistakes happen, especially when a company ramps up as fast as Prusa has.

And you still have not answered any of the questions asked of you.

Opublikowany : 11/02/2020 9:28 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: mk3s broken in 1st week 🙁


the nozzle kept getting jammed in the tube which meant stripping the extruder to change it everytime and i snapped a wire off the hot end, i spoke to them and they said i had the screw too tight on the bit that pulls the filament in but it was correct according to the book and what they said, they said it was not covered under warranty so i said no problem and i ordered the parts myself, then after 3 days i asked when they would be shipped to be told they will be shipped when they are shipped which i thought was rather rude tbh 

Opublikowany : 11/02/2020 9:35 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: mk3s broken in 1st week 🙁


An ancient wisdom: As the question, so the answer!

Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Opublikowany : 11/02/2020 10:12 pm
Noble Member
RE: mk3s broken in 1st week 🙁

Well let me ask again.

What machine did you buy?

Was it a kit or prebuilt?

I think you mean the filament got jammed? Not the nozzle?

What do you mean by stripping the extruder?


What filament were you using and what nozzle? What temperature?




This post was modified 5 years temu by rmm200
Opublikowany : 11/02/2020 10:44 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: mk3s broken in 1st week 🙁


it was the kit, mk3s , filament jam yes thats what i meant, was the filament that came with the printer, tried 0.4mm and 0.6mm nozzle , tried temp from 200 - 210 

Opublikowany : 11/02/2020 10:47 pm
Noble Member
RE: mk3s broken in 1st week 🙁

OK - we are getting there.

If the nozzle is a bit too cold, the filament has a hard time getting through the hole - and "jams". This seldom results in anything more than heating up the hot end and pulling the filament out. No harm, no foul.

Smooth print sheet or textured? Most beginners have a really hard time - because they do not clean the print sheet correctly.

And you can't just unscrew a .4 mm nozzle and screw in the .6 mm one. It has to be done correctly, per the instructions on the E3D web site.

Then you have to set Z correctly. Only then can you expect to successfully print.

This forum has a topic labeled Awesome Prints. Check it out to see what your printer is capable of.

Curiosity question. How long did it take you to assemble the MK3S?

Opublikowany : 12/02/2020 12:00 am
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: mk3s broken in 1st week 🙁

It took me 11 hours over 2 days to assemble it , I had successful prints off it twice , the filament was getting stuck solid in the tube I even put the temp up to 260 to try and melt it out it wasn’t moving , twice it done that in the middle of printing, it couldn’t of been dirt or dust as it was a brand new roll and it wasn’t even on long enough for any dirt to get on it 

Opublikowany : 12/02/2020 12:24 am
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: mk3s broken in 1st week 🙁

It was a textured sheet which wouldn’t allow the prints to stick until I sanded it down as recommended by someone in here , I then scrapped that sheet and ordered a smooth one and it stuck great 

Opublikowany : 12/02/2020 12:26 am
Noble Member
RE: mk3s broken in 1st week 🙁

I suppose it is kind of late to ask you to print a calibration square and post the result.

That picture would tell a lot about the machine and how you have it adjusted.

And whatever machine you wind up with - don't sand the print sheet.

Opublikowany : 12/02/2020 12:33 am
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: mk3s broken in 1st week 🙁

I followed his guide to adjust the z just right , it was perfect , sadly I cannot do it again 

Opublikowany : 12/02/2020 12:44 am
Eminent Member
RE: mk3s broken in 1st week 🙁

I built mine and the couple of early issues I had the Prusa support were fantastic, even when I did have a big issue where the part came loose and the filament lifted around the hot end and damaged the cables.

TBH anytime you buy the kit and have issues there is always going to be a level of its been something you have done, as there are hundreds of people who have build with no issues. 

Opublikowany : 16/02/2020 1:50 pm
Strona 1 / 2