Mesh Bed Leveling Speed much Faster.
Hi All,
I recently downloaded the Tension Meter For the GT2 Belt ( Link Here ), and I noticed that the Mesh Bed Leveling was quite faster than the Usual Speed.
After Inspecting the Gcode from the file, I reallized that this might be coming from the Maximum Acceleration Z.
In the file, this is set at 1000 ( M201 X1000 Y1000 Z1000 E5000 ; sets maximum accelerations, mm/sec^2 ).
I see that in the default profile parameters this is set a 200.
I could easily verify this, but I am just curious to know if i'm on the right track. If I am right, and indeed this is the key to making it faster, would it be possible to have the Max acceleration Z to be set only for the mesh bed leveling, and return to a safe value afterwards for the print itself ?
RE: Mesh Bed Leveling Speed much Faster.
You can modify your start gcode to set parameters before MBL, then set it back afterwards. Something like:
M201 Z1000
M201 Z[machine_max_acceleration_z]
For the few seconds saved, I don't think it's worth a lot of work, but it's easy enough to test.
and miscellaneous other tech projects
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