Is there a setting to make the printer beep on a MMU load failure?
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Is there a setting to make the printer beep on a MMU load failure?  

Estimable Member
Is there a setting to make the printer beep on a MMU load failure?

I know my MK3S can beep. I've heard it. It's loud. And I appreciate the volume.

However, it doesn't beep in the one situation where I most want it: When the MMU2S experiences a problem.

The printer is currently 5 hours into an 11-hour print using two colors of PLA and dissolvable PVA support material. So far, there have been 5 times when the print stopped silently, waiting for me to attend to a problem with the MMU2S.

It's always the PVA, which is soft and slippery like a noodle. It may be the PVA got a flat spot from the bondtech gears, or the tip was malformed or too stringy. That's just PVA. So I pull it out of the MMU2S, clip off the offending end, push it back in, push the third button on the MMU2S (and one of these days I'll learn what those other two buttons do), and it continues merrily on its way until the next load failure.

The thing is, if I'm not in the same room, or I don't happen to notice that that the printer stopped moving, the printer just sits there, waiting silently. Can't it be made to beep when this happens?


Publié : 16/02/2022 1:31 am
Jeremy Makes a aimé
Jeremy Makes
Eminent Member
RE: Is there a setting to make the printer beep on a MMU load failure?

I would like to know this too. I think this needs to be in the next printer update…the fact it doesn’t been when there is an error is a huge problem Imo. Cmon prusa help us out! 

Publié : 11/06/2022 10:19 pm
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