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Getting information from g-code  

New Member
Getting information from g-code

Hi all!

I was wondering if there is any way we can obtain the printing parameters such as infill %, infill patterns,  layers and perimeters etc. from g-code files?

Thank you!

Posted : 12/02/2022 5:45 am
Noble Member
RE: Getting information from g-code

With default settings, PrusaSlicer puts a comment block on the bottom of the gcode file containing all the settings used.

Posted : 12/02/2022 8:30 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Getting information from g-code

Open GCODE in a text editor such as TextEdit on the Mac or Notepad on Windows. Depends on the source of the gcode file if the slicing details are all included. As @lichtjaeger pointed out, if it was sliced with Prusaslicer, you're in luck, they're all at the end of the file. Not as easy to read as loading a 3mf file, that's why we usually ask for 3mf files here to help with troubleshooting.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 12/02/2022 12:47 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Getting information from g-code

If the gcode was generated by Prusa Slicer and are in the block mentioned by Lightjaeger  and Fuchsr then you can open Prusa Slicer and use the File>Import>Import Config option and select the gcode file.  It will then load in all the settings it can from the file.  

Not as good or complete as the settings stored in a proper PS project file but ok for seeing what was used for most settings.   Of course it does rather depend on which version was used too as older versions didnt store as many settings.

Posted : 12/02/2022 3:33 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Getting information from g-code

Thanks all for the information! I'm lucky i did it in PrusaSlicer. 


Thank you very much!

Posted : 13/02/2022 9:02 am