Fire hazard?
I have put my printer into a closet with some computer hardware, a switch and a NAS. As the closet is wooden, I am concerned that if the printer somehow catches fire, this would be very dangerous.
What is the general risk for this? I have a smoke detector outside the closet on the ceiling, but of course no sprinkler or something like that. I also installed a IoT temperature sensor that notifies me if the closet reaches more than 45 degrees celsius.
I searched online and could find this here which looks really interesting, but no idea where to actually buy one or how to service it:
Any advice here? Does prusa have any experience with failure? Is there an automatic off-switch on high temperatures? Do I worry too much? How real is the danger?
RE: Fire hazard?
Any machine, under the right conditions becomes a smoke machine. You can mitigate, but never eliminate the risks.
Prusas are among the safest printers; you’ve done a lot, but never get complacent. I’d also consider a smoke detector inside that closet. Either a simple wired model or networked model like a Nest, that is, a detector that sets off all the others.
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RE: Fire hazard?
There are videos on YouTube on rigging up a smoke alarm with a digital output linked to a power strip that can be shut off with a digital pin. There are also fire-resistant soft enclosures, but that will introduce heat which can complicate printing.
and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan