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Active Member

Well alrighty,

A non-crushed, working MK3 has finally arrived. After the initial delay of 3 months, then receiving a printer damaged during shipping, and a short additional wait for a replacement to ship, I've set this thing to work.

Had to hunt around for a power cord because the replacement shipped with no accessories- no power cord, no filament, no spool holder, nothing but a printer. Upon opening the original box and seeing that the machine had substantial damage I never unpacked the accessories and just shipped everything, minus the gummy bears, back to Prusa.

But no biggie.

It's been printing pretty much non-stop since I set it on the bench.

I printed the benchy off the SD card first to benchmark it against my other printers and it came off perfect. And fast.. (I'll put pics up later)

Then ran a model figure as a resolution test. And again it printed perfectly. I'm not seeing any of the patterning that is causing so much trouble, at least not in anything I've done so far. But I havn't done any straight wall stuff yet so I'll check that out after I get a spool holder printed..

This thing is QUIET. My Ultimaker 3 sounds like a semi-tractor next to it.
This thing is FAST. It's running circles around said same Ultimaker, allowances made for layer heights..

I am much relieved, what with all the racket over on Github. Hopfully they will get that issue resolved shortly.

So thank you Prusa Chat Support- David, Marek, Peter, Blas. You help is much appreciated.

I'm happily printing with my MK3

Respondido : 29/05/2018 6:39 pm
New Member
Re: Finally!

Say what you will about the shipping delays, but Prusa support is top notch.

Respondido : 29/05/2018 11:10 pm