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Filament doesn't stuck hotbed during first layer print  

Active Member
Filament doesn't stuck hotbed during first layer print

Hi there,

I own a MK2S MM upgrade with tenth of hours of successful printing but since few days, the PLA filament don't want to stuck on the hotbed anymore.

This started after I got problem with filament loading: one was still engaged in multiplexer after aborting a print, and other extruders could not push their filament anymore. I had to disassemble teflon tubes and extract metal tube from the multiplexer. The filament was stranded in it, and I had to use some fire to melt the filament and extract it from the tube.

Everything re-assembled, I did several XYZ calibrations and found back an acceptable Z-adjust setting (well I believed actually) but till then, the filament never stuck on hotbed at the very beginning of the print, ending every time with a blob accumulating on the nozzle.

I iterated on the Z-adjust part, using "First Layer Calibration" menu, but either it's too low but it correctly stucks, either it's too high and it doesn't stuck. I found several time a correct setting, but the first print totally failed because the filament didn't stuck.

For information, I clean my hotbed before every print with IPA and a towel sheet, hotbed cold.

I can't fix the problem by myself this time, please help!

Respondido : 12/05/2018 11:26 am
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Filament doesn't stuck hotbed during first layer print

good morning Nicholas,

sometimes PEI needs a bit more cleaning,

it is hard to see from your picture, whether there is good live Z layerheight...

as a first step, could you try cleaning again,

use soap and water carefully, first. then isopropyl alcohol

and try again

other alternatives include scrubbing the bed with a clean pan scourer

or wiping the bed with acetone

note nail varnish remover is not suitable, because it contails oil

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Respondido : 12/05/2018 11:42 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Filament doesn't stuck hotbed during first layer print

Hi Joan,

Yeah, that was it!!!

I cleaned as you described, I guess some oil remained from when I put some lubricant on axis.

Do you know at which frequency I have to clean my heatbed using water soap and sponge? And IPA?

Again, thank you a lot, I can come back to work printing tones of parts :p


Respondido : 12/05/2018 3:04 pm