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Power-Panic & Prusa Connect  

Active Member
Power-Panic & Prusa Connect


Does the Power-Panic feature work when printing via Prusa Connect? I have just suffered a brief (20-30 secs max) power cut midway through a couple of prints on my two Mk4S printers (one with MMU3), and neither printer restarted after the power came back on.

I know it never worked when printing via OctoPrint, but I thought it would (should?) work via Connect, as the print file is downloaded to the printer's USB stick.



Posted : 21/01/2025 12:59 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Power-Panic & Prusa Connect

Any thoughts? Someone out there must know the answer. 🙂

Posted : 23/01/2025 10:15 am
Mike B
Trusted Member
RE: Power-Panic & Prusa Connect

As long as the file was completely downloaded from Prusa Connect to the printer, I would expect it to restart the print.  You might have to be at the printer to allow it to continue however (selecting OK or Resume or something - can't remember the exact procedure).  In your scenario, what did the LCD look like when the power returned?

Prusa MK4 since Jan 2024, Printables: @MikeB_1505898

Posted : 24/01/2025 5:42 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Power-Panic & Prusa Connect


Posted by: @mike-b-3

As long as the file was completely downloaded from Prusa Connect to the printer, I would expect it to restart the print.  You might have to be at the printer to allow it to continue however (selecting OK or Resume or something - can't remember the exact procedure).  In your scenario, what did the LCD look like when the power returned?

Thanks for the reply. The files were definitely fully downloaded to the printers, which were about 2 hours into 4 and 5-hour prints. I was stood in front of the printers as the mains power came back on, but they both just booted up as though they had just been switched on, with the default home screen displayed on the LCDs. There was no option to continue the prints.

Just to clarify, I am using PrusaSlicer 2.9.0 to send the .bgcode files to the printer via the 'send and print' option (1st in the list). The firmware on both printers is 6.1.3+7898.

Posted : 24/01/2025 8:35 am
Mike B
Trusted Member
RE: Power-Panic & Prusa Connect

Then I am sorry - I have nothing else to suggest.  I hope someone else has experience with this...

Prusa MK4 since Jan 2024, Printables: @MikeB_1505898

Posted : 25/01/2025 7:14 am
REB liked
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Power-Panic & Prusa Connect

As I haven't received an answer here, I have raised the question on the 'Prusa-Firmware-Buddy' repository on GitHub.

Posted : 31/01/2025 4:13 pm